6 Attachment(s)
My humble collection 1956 - 1986
Aloha gentlemen.
Thought you gents would get a kick out of my small but humble collection spanning 30 years. I started smoking a pipe in about 1982 (ish) in my early 20s. My Father and Grandfather smoked pipes and I followed suit right after college. Some of the pipes are from the 50s and 60s belonging to my Father and Grandfather, and I bought a few (and had one custom made) sometime in the mid 80s. Last bowl smoked for me was around 1991 ish.
The Corn Cobs are my Grandfather's. The large MacArthur model hung on his wall most of the time unless he brought it down for smoking. They are labeled 1956 and 1957. He labeled everything. The Opium pipe was bought for him as a souvenir by my Aunt when she was in China in the late 50s for some sort of international exchange teaching venue. The note in the bowl says "Opium Pipe bought in China at the Red China Border". She bought him that and a hand made Teak record cabinet that he used for his records and his smoking accessories. I have this cabinet in another room. It must have cost a fortune (even back then) to ship to America from China. It's quite large and heavy.
There is still tobacco in the humidor, although at this point it's 30 years old. I have actually kept up with keeping the humidor reasonbly well watered. Still, the tobacco has got to go soon. The midget pipes in the pipe ashtray have me puzzled. I have no idea where they came from. My guess is I bought them in the 80s but I have no recollection of that. They are much smaller in person than they look in the photo. They are truly midget pipes. And they look like I smoked them. But again, I have no recollection of this.
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