I've got a few plugs left send a PM and I can mail one out if you want to try.
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Peterson Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes series) with some Gawith and Hoggarth Grasmere Flake (Rose Geranium scented).
Attachment 333661
I used to smoke Condor and Erinmore Flake when I was in university. Gave all that up many years ago along with a significant collection of Peterson and Brigham pipes.
I do remember passing out after a 2-hour Condor smoke and feeling terrible for a day after I woke. Pretty sure it was nicotine poisoning.
Love the smell of a pipe. Use to love the feeling of keeping a pipe going while reading a book and sipping a good port or brandy. Now I just savour the memory.
Yeah Condor really is a bruiser in the vitamin N department, I find it much stouter than even something like Sam Gawiths Black/Brown twists. I have some Erinmore flake but I find it a bit bitey so haven't smoked too much of it. UK otc blends seem to be much more robust than the typical US offerings. I'd probably smoke even more than I do now if I still lived in the UK with so many classic blends still around (for now).
A sad day!
The last of the Frog Morton Across the Pond
What a great blend. Full bodied but not harsh. I will miss this tobacco.
My thanks to jfk
Attachment 334909
I feel your pain:cry:
Wrapped up an unsuccessful day of hunting with some old Dunhill London mix in a Peterson while sipping Barry's irish breakfast blend tea. It was a cold one, but any day hunting is better that doing almost anything else.
Best I can do this time around is one of this morning's a deer from the last day of alternative season.
Celebrated with another bowl of of London mix in the peterson with coffee.
Barry's is definitely a favorite, but I haven't had Yorkshirein a long time. A local shop used to have "Dublin gosip" which was a house blend mix of Barry's and constant comment, too bad they discontinued it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]338450[/ATTACH
Gads this really blows,I wanna smoke my pipes but can't due to a pernicious chest cold.Bother !! Been clamping way too much lately..