PA in a MM Cob
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PA in a MM Cob
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Aye tis one of me favorites nightblade
Not much of a smoker but I thought the design of this one interesting. I got it because it was cheap and an interesting look. Got some Black Cavendish today and decided to give it a try.
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Just spent few days in Sweden with wifey. Had some Larsen from Norup at the deck, near Furusund, while coming back home from Stockholm to Turku. Just a poor cell phone pic.
PA in a Doodler
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Some haunted bookshop in a mm patriot cob before work
Hi Gents.
I have a quick question.
I bought this meerschaum as an estate a few weeks ago amd it's just been sitting. It's just been sitting as i have no idea how to clean an estate meer. Anybody have any ideas?
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Nice egg!
That meer looks like it has never been used much so probably i would just leave it as is. Maybe you could try to remove the excess cake (if there's any) with the pipe reamer. If you have no reamer, then just wrap some sandpaper around pencil and try to scrath the excess cake away.
Be careful as meer is very fragile material. In any case you can't get it 100% white as new.
I've read that some folks have cleaned they meers by soaking some cotton wool vith vodka and then putting the stuff in the bowl. Wrap some plastic around the pipe to prevent alcohol from fading. Then leave it at least for few days. After this treatment the cake gets very soft and is easy to remove. But meer will get very soft as well so be very careful if you use the reamer. The pipe will also get some darkish color and it'll take weeks or even more until it fades back to the point where you started.
I've never tried this with meers. I rather use reamer and drink the vodka!
Thanks for the tips. The bowl has little cake. I was also wondering about cleanin the stem/shank? Tthe inside of the stem where it screws into the shank is caked in black.
If there's any cake etc inside the shank you could just use the pin of your pipe tool. If the cake sits tight, you could hold drill bit with your fingers and carefully drill the cake away. I'm afraid there's no much you could do with the colouring. Meer pipes just ought to get such an uneven colouring like that. In time the whole meer will get dark. That might take years.
With the stem use just pipe cleaner & vodka. Save some vodka for yourself!
I read to be careful when using a pipe cleaner and not to push it hard into the bowl. It could wear/poke a hole in the bowl.
I also read i could use some fine sandpaper to rub down the cake gently.
So to sum up. A light clean of any cake. Inside the bowl. Try to pick out cake in the shank and the stem will be ok to clean with pipe cleaner and whisky? As I don't use drink or touch vodka lol.
Am I on the right road here?
You got it right.
I think there is not much you can do about the colouring except keep on smoking to darken it some more.
Whisky is good as any strong alcohol. Some say different spirits leave different ghosts for some time. I guess it's too hifi for me.
Whatever you do, remember to be careful. 'Luke, use the force' might be fail.
I did not get the impression nor did I mean to imply not to use a pipe cleaner in the stem. Just to be careful not to push the end of the wire into the bowl and since the meerschaum is soft and you could wear a hole.
I agree with Sailor.
Your Meerschaum looks alright to me. It is developing a nice color around the bowl.
You may want to ream the stem by dipping the end of a pipe cleaner in some pipe cleaning solution and running it through the stem to remove the cake inside. It's not necessary to remove all of the cake, however.
Other than that, I would leave it alone.
I think ill just dipe a pipe cleaner in some whisky pass it throughtl the stem to clean it let it dry amd have me a smoke. The cake in the bowl doesnt appear much so after a few bowls ill wrap some wet n dry round a dowel amd give it a light rubbing out. Im wanting a smoke of it.
You don't want cake buildup on a meer, it's recommended to clean them well after use to prevent buildup. One of the joys of a meer is to watch the color change as you smoke em and to watch the character of the pipe change. I have 3 and one of the best things is you get to experience the true taste of the tobacco with no influence from briar. Thats not to say say I don't love my briars...I have a "few" ;)...but the meers are just great. Yours is a nice one BTW :) Enjoy.
Yes, you can sand it down with some wet/dry or as been said you can use a pipe reamer but be careful. You just want to remove the cake, not sand right down to the meer. Once you have it cleaned up they are really easy to maintain, just run a folded pipe cleaner around the bowl after it's cooled and through the stem.
Winslow Squat Tomato / Something Different
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Thanks for all the tips folks.
Thats a cool looking pipe heh.
Geek...I'm gonna be the alarmist here and recommend you go to your local and have your tobacconist clean that Meer. Only because Meerschaum is such delicate stuff and if you have never cleaned one yourself mistake will be your last for sure my friend. Have an expert deal with it and QNA the heck out of 'em wilst there. Good luck !:)
Nice tomato Cat. Really nice !
Hey Nightblade. To be honest I aint sure where aroun here I could find someone with the skillset. However as was alluded to it's already pretty clean. I ran some wet/dry paper round the inside and dumped out some carbon. Took it back as far as I dare. It wasn't real thick to start.
Cleaned through the stem with some whisky and pipe cleaners. Now the bowl is in the box and the stem is lying out to dry. Now I'll just need to keep on top of it after use.
Good to go then mate ! :)
Yup. Lookin forward to it. Not a bad buy for £20 :)
Enjoying some tasty McClelland "Frog Morton's Cellar" in my Mastro de Paja "Calabash."
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Submitted my first paper for publishing with the Western Academy of Management. I'll keep you guys posted if they accept or reject it. Now, I'm sitting back with my Peterson Churchwarden and enjoying some Frog Morton on the Town.
Saturday nights smoke...Amphora Full Aroma in a Pete
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HPCS Trout Stream in my first ever four digit Kaywoodie (a 7742). I'm not a huge aromatic guy but this stuff is absolutely delicious. It smokes better than most "wowing the spectators" blends. The room note is very butterscotch but it's not goopy, bitey or sickly sweet. It's not something that would ever turn into a go-to blend for me but when the sweet tooth hits it's just what the doctor ordered.
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Passed the theory section of my driving test yesterday so celebrated with a bowl of cherry cavendish and a bottle of fraoch.
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House match to Dr pats Irish mix in a block meerschaum,
Bootleg brewery 'raging bull' dark ale while putting an
Edge on my birthday present from my wife.
Not till mid November :( which leaves little room for error as I need to have my licence before baby appears at the beginning of December....
Best of luck!
Depending on the number of submissions they get, it may be awhile before you hear back from them. They will most likely send it out for review. Some reviewers take forever. The reviewer will then either recommend that it be published as is or that it be published with his/her recommended revisions.
All steps carefully planned to drive me crazy with impatience. :aargh: But, I've had positive reviews from those in charge of my program, and they have already said if it is not accepted to WAM then they have other ideas about where to present the paper.
However, this all gives me time to work on my next paper. Thanks for you insight into the process. All information helps and I'm as green a scholar as they come. If you're bored enough, let me know and I'll send you a copy of my paper for your amusement.