Lest I be misunderstood, let me start out by saying Carter Hall is a great codger burley. It's been around forever and with real good reason, it's quite good. However, to my tastes, Carter Hall is a bit too mild. In fact I've often heard it referred to as Prince Albert Light and my experience with Carter Hall seems to validate this description. It is, in fact, Prince Albert light. As a side note, a 50/50 mix of Carter Hall and Prince Albert (The National Joy Smoke) is a wonderful thing to behold. However taken separately, if I had a choice between Carter Hall or Prince Albert, I'd take Prince Albert any day. I am and have been an avid supporter of Prince Albert for many years. However, I would have to say that Granger is far superior to both Carter Hall and Prince Albert. If you've ever smoked Edgeworth Ready Rubbed (no longer made) Granger is very close in body and taste to Edgeworth with just a hint more of the subtle chocolate/dough kind of note common to straight old school American burlies. Nothing over the top goopy or overly sweet but just a fantastic, reliable codger burley. True to the genre it's a fairly straight forward blend that many will consider monotonous but if you're an afficianado of old school American burlies, I would say Granger is a must see. It really does pain me to admit this but Granger has officially de-throned the venerable Prince Albert as my go-to codger burley. I'm about half way through a 14 ounce tub and have not had a less than stellar smoke yet. In fact, try as I might, I doubt I could come up with a bad thing to say about the old bird dog. Granger (if you'll pardon the pun) is just the dogs bollocks. Definitely one worth keeping on hand at all times. Other remarks and observations aobut Granger:
1. Absolutely wonderful with a cup of coffee in the morning
2. Magic in a cob
3. Better in the tub than the pouch (true of all codger burlies in general.)