I like your POTD's at work...it's stylish
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I like your POTD's at work...it's stylish
Yes I think the same as Tom, I am also glad to see that the shell casing you have as a tamper was properly expended (firing pin impression clearly seen) before it was put to use as a tamper. If the pin impression wasn't there I would just have had you check your finger quota, and tell you not to do it again...:)
I bought myself a nice little cob the other day, to try out the english/non aromatic tobaccos. So far so good.
I can understand that. I was once an angry computer user, and the blokes that sold me the computer didn't like me too much after I got angry with 'em. That was some years ago now, when I had aspirations of becoming a freelance writer. That computer, and the two years I had trouble with it, killed that dream. :)
Les Wood
First day off in a very long time. About to have a morning coffee with my brigham pipe and squadron leader. It's been sitting in my celar for about a year and can't wait to try it out.
I haven't been on here for a bit looks like we have more members from the Toronto area now. Lol can anyone say weekly pipe and razor fan club meetings? Lol
It's home sweet home after 6 days at work and time to start my friday eve.
J.Germains '1820' from pre-1964 Tanganyika meer. Estonian lager.
Have a happy weekend!
Very happy it's Friday with my new (to me) Brigham 4-dot Bent Volcano #484 and Solani 633