Ratrays Marlin Flake in a cob after breakfast, and a bowl of OJK in the viking after work. Did just the trick for warming me up from the icy wind and snow.
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Ratrays Marlin Flake in a cob after breakfast, and a bowl of OJK in the viking after work. Did just the trick for warming me up from the icy wind and snow.
here you get some ideas...
Les Wood
Started my day with some Esoterica Margate in a cob, this afternoon was some Orlik golden sliced in another cob, now, cruising this site with some Frog Morton OTB in the pipe with no name. Nice stormy, windy, rainy day. Well, nice if you have your leg in a cast and don't have to be out working in it that is!!!!
The cast. It's not so bad, no pain anymore really, and that's awesome! I'm not supposed to put weight on it, so it makes getting around the house a pain in the butt. I had it put on on 27 November and expect to get it off on 8 January, so I'm on the down hill side now. My leg gets like stir crazy at night when I lay down, so getting to sleep sucks. But, I can tell the doc did a good job, and I'm supposed to get a boot thingie on the 8th. It's all good. I had thought it would give me time to do stuff around the house, but I'm using a walker and have to carry things either in my pockets or in plastic store bags with the walker. Crutches don't work too good in a house, and still can't carry things.
I'm looking forward to a better leg, and I've been losing right at 1.7 lds per week, so come April I'll be able to dive for abalone over on the coast. Just watch, Mr White will come up and bite my fancy rebuilt ankle!! God, that would suck!
Now I'm debating another bowl before bed, maybe some Presbyterian. Later Devilpup, take care and have a great weekend!!
This one's for you etom!! Merry Christmas!!
Attachment 115662
Thank you very much! I like it.
Still awaiting my Rubi in April/May.
ive been fairly quiet as of late, on this thread due to it being to cold to smoke a pipe outside at home, and all i have been enjoying at work is my everyday irish flake, with the occasional frog morton thrown in. oh and some dunhill nightcap, both out of cobs, my normal work pipes.
Well today is and was the day...
My bag full of MM Cobs (seconds) showed up... Nothing wrong with any of them other than they aren't too pretty... Only one has major "pretty" issues but now it has "class"...
In the grab bag it was mostly Legends... I did get one Country Gent and one Diplomat... All in all... $3.75 each...
Next on thie list tonight... Jar all my 1 & 2oz tobacco samples... I found out that a 4oz jar only hold 1oz of tobacco... :)
Merry Christmas, Brothers of the PIPE!