AF-S Micro NIKKOR 105mm 1:2,8G ED
Nikon D800...are there other cameras in the world?
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AF-S Micro NIKKOR 105mm 1:2,8G ED
Nikon D800...are there other cameras in the world?
The second one is a dandelion, the first one a thistle.
And BTW:
sometimes I also use a pocket camera- a Coolpix S8100.
Nothing wrong with pocket cameras as long as there's a change to use manual settings for aperture & shutter speed, ISO etc and as long they shoot RAW also.
Pocket cameras are handy and easy to carry with. Mine is Lumix DMC-LX5 (although been thinking about swithing to Fujifilm X20 lately).
For editing/organizing i use both LR4 and Photoshop 10.
The Coolpix doesn't support RAW. I'm looking for a new one...
Both Leica and Lumix have some nice models, imho. Actually some models from either brand are actually 100% same cameras in different case. However neither of these brands have optical viewfinders in any of their pocket cameras. Fujifilm does and you can use everything manual. RAW supported.
Many thanks Tomi. I'll take a look at this cameras.
Most of the pictures I create with the D800 (of course). But there are some situations where it isn't allowed to use a big camera (e.g. ice hockey events, exhibitions a.s.o.)
California is one of the best places on this planet for the outdoors. We have cold weather beaches and ocean, warm weather beaches and ocean, and each contain their own unique marine life, Beautiful mountain ranges like the Sierras, giant coastal redwood forests, giant Sequoias, Yosemite National Park (my son, daughter and I have hiked to the top of Half Dome 3 years in a row) and beautiful yet brutal deserts, like Death Valley. Yes, I love California! But our pipe tocacco is a little expensive because of taxes.
Peterson "Hyde Park" in my Peterson "Bent Bulldog"
Attachment 135901
Not had a pipe today. But have discovered there is a localish pipe club that meets Saturday afternoons. Gonna drop by next week.