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You'll be all right mate. Head colds, in my experience, never last too long...Compared to a chest cold...Unless the head cold turns into a chest cold, well, you're sort of screwed then, but the chances of that aren't very high...Unless you have real shitty luck like me, in which case the chances are high, and you're sort of screwed then...Why?! Well because then your immune system gets all worn down and leaves you open to 'flu and bronchitis and stuff and that always lays you up for a while, and you feel miserable, and you're coughing and spluttering all the time and no one wants to be near you, and sometimes you don't have the luxury of taking time off just to stay in bed...Geez mate, I think you might be in for a hard time. Best you have a nice cuppa tea and a lie down for a while ;).