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  1. #1
    Member Angeleyes's Avatar
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    Cool Vintage musical equipment...

    I am a studio guitar player here in Nashville, among other places, and am also in a couple of bands that are doing rather well.

    I recently procured a gorgeous, like new, all tube, 130w 1974 Ampeg VT22 half stack and it has absolutely blown me away! (Used by the Stones on all of their major recordings among other famous guitarists!) I also have another custom vintage "couture" amp head that was built out of both an old totally restored Vox amp and a Marshall, which I use for certain studio tracks.

    My newest vintage pedal to buy was a Russian "Green" Big Muff from the late 70's or 80's in mint condition and true bypass modification. These things go for $300 plus these days, and my friend kindly gave it to me for only $100 and it is simply gorgeous and a great fuzz distortion all around!

    Was wondering if the musicians out there have procured any new equipment lately that they would like to share on this thread? I am constantly getting new stuff, so I will continue to share as well! Hope everybody has a great long weekend!!! Later, Friends...

  2. #2
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Well, I used to have some really nice stuff... but not so much anymore (sold some, traded some, got lots stolen etc.).

    My favorite setup (and this will tell you something about the music I played) was a Jeffery Earl Terwillegar through a Mesa boogie Mark II simulclass (with the eq onboard ) half stack, with an RMC wah by jeffery teese and a real 808 tubescreamer. Sadly, I now have none of that setup.... Now I'm on a USA custom shop Jackson soloist (meh) and a line 6 tone port

  3. #3
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    No new stuff....yet.

    I am starting to get the itch for a resonator. It has been haunting my thoughts for a few months, even though I don't play the blues proper...yet.
    Last edited by joke1176; 09-05-2010 at 12:07 AM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member TheExpandingMan's Avatar
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    I thought it would be a good idea to pick up some vintage gear to sell later in my life to fund my retirement.

    So far, I have a silver face deluxe reverb.

    Beautiful amp.

  5. #5
    Member hgrail's Avatar
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    This thread seriously needs some pics..

    Oh well. FWIW - this is one of my well loved vintage toys - actually it's my favorite of all of them.

    This is me and my 1924 Buescher True Tone bass saxophone..

    Name:  Copy of Copy of walnit hill park cropped 016.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  27.1 KB

    Is that vintage enough?


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