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  1. #1
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Default Estate sale finds


    A while back I spent some time (5-6 weeks) trying to learn to enjoy pipe smoking. Used a couple decent pipes and maybe 3-4 kinds of tobacco in hopes that this 'hobby' would catch on. Sadly, it turned out that pipes weren't really for me, but I did gain some knowledge about that subject.

    Recently I was browsing around an estate sale, looking for shaving crap and vintage EdTs and such. I didn't have much luck with those, but did happen on a few pipes in excellent condition. Some of em were well used with beat up stems and well caked bowls, but some looked to be new. I grabbed half a dozen of the ones in the nicest shape.

    Here's a few pics that I hope some of you enjoy. The first one has a couple identical pipes made by Wally Franks that look unused. In between those is one sold by Fribourg and Treyer, and the freehand has no name......just says 'Copenhagen Deluxe by Hand' #32. There's probably nothing special about most or all of those pipes, but they looked to be barely used if at all. They seemed like some could be good smokers, but who knows. Plus, the price was very reasonable, so what the hell.

    The other pics are of what I believe to be an early Charatan 'Deluxe' grade #102 in great shape. I did happen to recognize that name when seeing it on the pipe.

    Normally I'll try for a price break when buying multiple items at sales like these. In this case though, I couldn't bring myself to even try. Yep, I paid the full price of $2 for each pipe.

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  2. #2
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Nice finds. Ain't it fine to make such findings from estate sales every now and then. All it takes that you hit the right place at the right time.
    Those pipes look great. Specially the shape of that freehand is really nice.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    You did well for sure. Charatan was a great pipe maker who had a top of the line selection of briar and rivaled Dunhill for the top pipe making company at one time. IIRC Wally Franks was a distributor and the pipes marked with his name could be Webers or a number of other USA artisans if they aren't stamped with another country of origin. I also like the freehand. I believe they call that shape a 'Skate'.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post

    Nice finds. Ain't it fine to make such findings from estate sales every now and then. All it takes that you hit the right place at the right time.
    Those pipes look great. Specially the shape of that freehand is really nice.
    Hi there,

    Thanks for the nice words. Yeah, it's all in the timing I guess. Of course it helps that not all that many people go to these sales looking for pipes. Still though, it's rare to see any decent pipes in these situations.


    Oh........thanks Jimmy for that additional info.

  5. #5
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    Good finds!!

    I imagine that at some point my kids will sell my Puma Gold at an estate sale for fifty cents!

    Maybe I should beat them to it and sell off some of the more unknown but valuable stuff.

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