i have two new knifes in the kitchen. from roselli. the little cook and the japanese style 9.5". crude looking beasts , however the beauty of these knifes are the things you dont see. they are carbon steel a bit picky perhaps for kitchen use but iam leaning more and more back to carbon steel for my knifes, easy to sharpen and oh what a edge.the edges that come on them when new are not bad but i wanted more so i just extened the bevel down to a scandi edge with my dmt 320.and finished them with a norton oil stone and a spyderco ultra fine. this gave them a silly sharp edge close to shave ready.in use the japanese is quite blade heavy but i like that, cuts are effortless. the little cook is my dicer and makes short work of onions and the like. i have three other rosellis the grandfathers, the carpenters and the bear claw all in rosellis uhc steel ( ultra high carbon)
theres are hard blades a pain to sharpen but the edge lasts a long long time all in all these are knifes to work with not to look at