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  1. #1
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    Default Gas grill recommendations

    I'd like to buy a gas grill, but don't want to spend more than $250. We just threw out a grill that was only three years old, but had rusted out completely.

    Do any of you have any good gas grills to recommend? How do you store them? Covered or out in the elements?


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Spend the money and treat youself to the best grill you will ever own.I have had mine since 1998,you do the math. I cannot say enough about the durability and the way this grill cooks food. But get the 3 burner grill,cuz you can rotisserie anything on it buy shutting off the middle burner (the burner under the meat ) and just using the outer 2 burners,its great. Mine has been outside,uncovered,in the snow and still has all the original parts,except the flavor bars since 1998.Oh yeah its a WEBER.

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  4. #3
    Member deadrift's Avatar
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    Default Charbroil Red

    Can't remember what the price tag was but I'm pretty sure it was more that 250 but, it's killer. I got the 4-burner model, 3- burner might be closer to the 250. It's the infrared version, not the newer 'Quantum' thing they got going (I think it's called Quantum). The burners heat a dished pan that heats the food, no grease ever gets to the burners. Clean up is the best I've found so far. Just run it on high for 15 minutes, then dump the ashes! Cooks very well, no hot spots. I keep it on the back patio with a cover, out in the elements. Still looks good after 4 years and still haven't had to clean the burners! my .02

  5. #4
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    I have a Char Griller brand and it is a solid grill. It was about 200 to 250 for and has 4 burners and cast Iron grill plates. You can also get an optional side smoker box for it as well for 50 to 60 bucks if you decide you want to smoke with it in the future. Had it about 2 years already and it still looks brand new ( beside the slight discoloration ).

  6. #5
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    I've also heard that Weber is the best. You can bet your bottom dollar that my next one will be a Weber. I'm on my second department store grill, both of which I've had to rebuild twice, and it's so bad now it's on it's last legs.

  7. #6
    Cream Huffer
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    I got a Natural Gas Weber when I moved into my house 8 years ago. I use it in the summer and winter. It still lights on the first click and works just as well as the day I bought it.

    It cost me $800 at the time. My parents thought I was nuts. They have since gone through 3 cheap grills in the same time, totally roughly the same overall cost.

  8. #7
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Home Page. these are made by a good friend of mine, I have helped him make many of these buggers and they last a long time, If you travel much this is the grill from you. LOL i doubt you will want one but its cool to look at anyway.

  9. #8
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Weber all the way. You can either spend extra money on a Weber that will last or buy a new $250 grill ever 3 years

    Seriously, they are hawsome. Though I find myself only using my charcoal grill these days.

  10. #9
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    I bought a grill yesterday. I took the advice of many of you and bought a Weber. I grilled last night and was pleased with the results. I was surprised at how quickly the grill heated up and at the noticeable lack of flare ups that I had with my previous grill. We’ll see how long this one lasts.

    My neighbor noticed that I had a new grill and when I said it was a Weber he said he was thinking about replacing his Weber. This was not what I wanted to hear, so I asked him why. He said he’s had it for 12 years and just wanted a new one. Whew, that was good to hear.

    Thanks for the advice.

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