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  1. #1
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Default Soft beer brewers

    I must ask, with my more recent success in soft beer brewing and with the recent threads about hard beers I was wondering if there were any soft beer brewers out there?
    I have made some root beers lately with a few different recipes including my own, some found newer style recipes and some from my family recipe book.
    I am going to start a few new batches of sarsaparilla with enough time to bring some to the Spokane meet.
    I would like to learn more from others who do and any help would be appreciated. I am looking for recipe suggestions, sites, suppliers, even your methods.
    Right now I use a combination of more traditional approaches and newer adaptations. I brew from scratch, clean using bleach, usually use ale yeast and use a method quicker to bottle than some. All of my bottles use a resealable bale and I don't filter out the yeast like some do.
    This is a basic overview and according to the gentlemen at the Yakima meet this last weekend I did pretty good. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated as I am planning on upping my production and eventually work into hard beers, wines, meads, etc.
    Anyone else want to get into this hobby please also post as I will share all that I have learned as I continue to learn this additionally addictive hobby.

  2. #2
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    dont forget to brew a good birch beer, and when you do have a good recipie, send it to me, i gave up drinking quite a few years ago, but the pa dutch heritage in me loves birch beer. lol
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

  3. #3
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Read the sig. Can't live this long w/o having one. I have an old family recipe which is strong and I have a newer recipe.
    This one was just given to me

    1?2 oz. dried birch bark
    1?8 oz. dried licorice root
    1 tsp. fresh ginger sliced thin (about 1")
    1 tsp real vanilla
    2 qts. water

    2cups molasses
    1/8 tsp Yeast
    This is an untested recipe and quite small for me. If I were to test this I would check it periodically.
    Hope it works for you.
    Remember to use plastic bottles for your first few batches.
    If you need detailed soft beer instructions let me know.

  4. #4
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    pm me those instructions, you have just made me a very happy man, that will give me something to play with later on when the weather warms more
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

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