Quote Originally Posted by SonOf1337 View Post
Honestly, Cannon, it's hard to do better than the simple, austere CAR15. The ONLY way I would attempt to improve the rifle would be with a holo-sight. They are VERY fast acquisition, and some of the upper-end models can feature an adjustable reticle (larger/smaller dot for CQC or intermediate battle ranges). That said, you may be able to find a turret rear sight that can directly swap out with the factory peep, which will essentially accomplish the same function by means of a larger/smaller aperture for varying combat/shoosting distances. By the way, I've got similar background with the loudenboomer military arms. My grandpappy loved his M1, and loved to teach his grandson to shoot with it. .30'06 Sprg can be a little brutal to a youth,
At least you had an auto loader. I used dads O3A3. If you want something that will buck like a horse, I have a Browning A-bolt, long barrel in 338 win mag. My elk rifle. I dropped a white tail at over 500 yards with it a few years ago, dropped in its tracks.

Cleaning looks to relatively easy except for the gas tube. Still much more complicated than an AK but there is a reason why you see 12 year old kids carrying AK's in some of the less than hospitable countries. They are that simple to operate/clean. I need to pick up a spare bolt carrier pin, extractor pin and a spare spring just in case it disappears while cleaning. Those little springs are bad for bouncing into the netherworld if you drop one. Not like cleaning a 1911, you dont have to worry about the slide spring shooting across the room.