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Thread: New Roping Horse
06-27-2011, 12:17 PM #1
New Roping Horse
72236[/ATTACH]Here is our new roping horse Rodey, a Quarter Horse, rising 13, very quiet and has done some cutting, and general stock work. He also has done some dressage training. My wife Wendy is riding him in her slick fork, with a Mexican show bridle with German Silver mounts. He is very steady so Wendy is as flash as rat with a gold tooth !! He is taking to roping very will, will heel off him to start but hope to head off him as well. Mick R he was a local freeby come via one of my farrier mates. His previous owner has got involved with German warm bloods.
To cap off a good month, besides lots of rain, my oats are up and two mates and I got '
first and second respectively in the last jackpot roping and even won money !! Made the war office very happy
HeelerauLast edited by heelerau; 06-27-2011 at 12:20 PM.
Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !
08-10-2011, 03:53 PM #2
Nice! My brother is a Heeler. He's trying to get me to throw ropes, but i am pretty content on pleasure riding and working cattle on mine. Nice post.
08-12-2011, 05:30 AM #3
Team ropin is pretty big over your way, perhaps you should let your brother talk you into a little heading, I can tell you a lot easier than heeling !! I do both, we have our own arena going in, will be a couple of years before its finished, but we will be able to have jackpot events on our place, have arena they will come !!
Ps can never get enough cattle work, funny what we do for fun we used to do for work>Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !
08-12-2011, 03:21 PM #4
I will head for him just at play days and such but I'm not good enough for money ropings. That will be super nice when you get the arena built! Yeah something kind of relaxing about working cows to me but I would imagine that back in the day I'm sure it wasn't. Ha. Good luck with you new horse hope it performs well!