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  1. #1
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Default Picking up my first pipe

    Hello gents, I've decided to pick up my first pipe. Because of price and avaliblilty I'm picking up a Dr. Garbow and a Missouri Meerschaum cob pipe. Now we come to my delima what tobaccos do you suggest? Normally I'm a cigar guy, my favorites include Oliva and Romeo Y Julieta both in lighter wrappers (colorado claro i believe), while I also enjoy the La Pantera diamond series and trader jack (yes I know they're cheap as dirt sticks). I'd prefer to find something the is pretty common in the stateside shops. Thanks for your help, happy smokes.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  2. #2
    Senior Member ChesterCopperpot's Avatar
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    Cornell & Diehl make some cigar pipe blends, like Purple Cow and Billy Budd, and G L Pease (mixed by the same people), Key Largo. Peretti's Cuban Mixture is another name thrown around for cigar like pipe blends. All are US companies, but I don't know how common they'd be in random smoke shops.

  3. #3
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    Absolutely recommend Key Largo, also if you can find it Mclellands Dominican glory maduro.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    +1 on C&D Billy Budd. Also Old Joe Krantz is a wonderfully cigary blend but be careful, plenty of vitamin N in that one, lots of perique too so it's a pretty hot load not for everyone but as far as I'm concerned, OJK is the big boy on the block. Nothing on the market can touch it (YMMV and all that). You just reminded me, at last check my pound bag of mana from heaven is in Jacksonville even as we speak. Tomorrow evening I should have a pre-1938 Kaywoodie full of Mr. Krantz plugged into my gob. It'll be glorious no doubt.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 08-29-2011 at 10:45 PM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  5. #5
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    +1 on billy bud and ojk
    Smoking a bowl of Billy bud as I type this it's wonderful

  6. #6
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Thanks for your help, please keep all the suggestions comming. Went to the local tobacist today, unfortunately he was all but out and said he had a shipment coming in soon. I picked up a ounce of a house vanilla cream and a pouch of captain black gold. I tried the house today and while good it was a little hard to keep lit. I think it'll be excellent when mixed with the captain black (I've had the captain out of a friends pipe).
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  7. #7
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    Keeping a pipe lit is just like using a straight razor it's a technique you learn over time. Don't be afraid to have to relight your pipe many times there is nothing wrong with it. The key to tenique is packing the pipe correctly, tamping and learning to light with a charing light sometime multiple. Tobacco moisture also plays a role in keeping the Toby lit. Over time it will get better and better. One important tip do not puff like a lunatic to keep the pipe lit, if the toby gets to hot it will release acidic juices and give you a foul taste, and a sore mouth.
    Keep at it and enjoy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
    Thanks for your help, please keep all the suggestions comming. Went to the local tobacist today, unfortunately he was all but out and said he had a shipment coming in soon. I picked up a ounce of a house vanilla cream and a pouch of captain black gold. I tried the house today and while good it was a little hard to keep lit. I think it'll be excellent when mixed with the captain black (I've had the captain out of a friends pipe).

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Are you already a smoker....
    I ask because you can decide to start but quitting is different.

    having said that...
    Do not settle for less than the best you can find.
    Keep pipe tobacco at the right "humidity" so it smokes
    cool and smooth. Watch out for the flavored tobacco's that
    tend to have after tastes that seem OK at first but are
    often low(er) quality.

    A good shop will sell you small amounts so you can sample
    a couple from the bulk cans.

    If you own a sharp pen knife do not pass up a tin
    of gallagher's irish roll. I do not think they
    are in business anymore but you could get

  9. #9
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niftyshaving View Post
    Are you already a smoker....
    I ask because you can decide to start but quitting is
    I'm an occasional smoker. I have a cigar a week if I feel like it, it's part of my weekly rituals to slow down and relax after the week is over. But I understand your concern.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    If you want to try a nice Virginia go with McCrannies Red Ribbon

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