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  1. #1
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Default Got my first fountain pen, kinda. And a question.

    Walked over to Walgreen's yesterday to grab a snack and was killing time walking the aisles when I happen to see that Zebra makes a fountain pen now, the V-301! Now, granted, it's a cartridge fountain and not super high quality, but I've been wanting to try a FP for a while. It was only $3, so it's not going to break the bank.

    Unlike some people, I actually do a lot of handwriting at work, all in cursive, so the comfort of a FP will be a great thing I think!

    I'm left handed, and write pretty much straight ahead. I'm not a prolific underwriter like most lefties I've seen. The ink from the Zebra doesn't smudge. Will a nicer pen smudge a lot?

    Where do I go from here? I'm kind of lost at the moment. I barely understand how to buy razors, let alone fountain pens!

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    One thing about fountain pens, you can select the nib and the ink you want to use which will allow you to adjust the results you get. I'm not a lefty, but my daughter is and she uses a Pelikan Pelicano (very inexpensive, relatively speaking)with no problems. She uses Noodler's ink.

    I would suggest taking a look at Fountain Pen Network, which is the SRP of Fountain Pen forums. There are threads discussing left handed writing, dry writing inks, etc. In fact, you will find some of the guys from here active on FPN.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm left handed and carried a fountain pen most of my life. I never had any issues with smudging. Many lefties use this upside down writing method, I don't.Unless you get a pen with an extra broad nib that puts down a ton of ink any quality ink should dry pretty much instantly. I've had many pens and never had any issues.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    FPAD is as bad as RAD for me so beware if you are AD prone!! lol
    With vintage pens make sure you check the nib for bent or broken tips also the ink sac will be bad 50% on lever fill pens (easy fix).
    Esterbrook's are a good beginners pen as the nibs are screw in and easily replaceable and come in many varieties. Most cartridge pens can also be easily fitted with cartridge converters so you can use bottle ink.

  5. #5
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    I would suggest that you look into a Lamy Safari or an entry level Cross fountain pen. Noodler's Inks have a wide selection, as do many other ink makers. Find one with a quick dry time. I too would suggest visiting the Fountain Pen Network. There you will find ink reviews, pen reviews (some by lefties!), and other fountain pen related articles and posts. Have fun... this is the beginning of a new and rewarding addiction!

  6. #6
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    I'm left handed and I use a fine nib with Private Reserve ultra black fast dry ink and I don't have any problems although I am some what of an under writer.

  7. #7
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasrazorman View Post
    I would suggest that you look into a Lamy Safari or an entry level Cross fountain pen. Noodler's Inks have a wide selection, as do many other ink makers. Find one with a quick dry time. I too would suggest visiting the Fountain Pen Network. There you will find ink reviews, pen reviews (some by lefties!), and other fountain pen related articles and posts. Have fun... this is the beginning of a new and rewarding addiction!
    +1 to the Lamy Safari, and Noodler's ink. I use both in work religously. My Lamy's have the fine nib, and it seems to be ok. These pens work great, and aren't that expensive. Definitely good fountain pens to start out with. They take cartridges, or you can use the refillable cartridge.
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  8. #8
    Nix is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    +1 to the Lamy Safari, and Noodler's ink.
    Here's yet another vote for the Lamy pen and Noodler's ink combination. I prefer my Lamy's to have a medium or broad nib. Noodler's makes a fast drying ink that some lefties prefer to use to minimize the chance of smudging.

    Have fun.

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