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Thread: Found a Super Nintendo at Goodwill with 7 games for $20!!

  1. #1
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Default Found a Super Nintendo at Goodwill with 7 games for $20!!

    ahh, this is truly one of the finer things in life! I went to my local Goodwill and found a Super Nintendo for $20! It came with 7 games, included were of course Super Mario World and Zelda: a link to the past! I got my first SNES back in 94 for christmas when I was 5. When i was in 6th grade i traded it for some Nintendo 64 games (dumb move!) This SNES is by no means in mint condition, the top half of the shell has discolored a bit and it has a small ship in the front. However, it works fine and i will keep this one! I have to admit though.. its weird seeing it connected to an HDTV and next to my iPad.. lol
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Nice score!!! I still have my SNES and play it quite a bit. We have a store here in town that sells second hand electronics that has thousands of Super Nintendo games for sale for between $2 and $7.
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  3. #3
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
    Nice score!!! I still have my SNES and play it quite a bit. We have a store here in town that sells second hand electronics that has thousands of Super Nintendo games for sale for between $2 and $7.
    niceee, there is a classic gaming shop close by but the games are at collector prices! they have super mario RPG for $30!! i guess i am just going to have to look for games.. i just got primal rage for $3 on the bay! lol kinda calmed my RAD down for a bit..

  4. #4
    Senior Member TheZ's Avatar
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    Excellent find, I still have mine. It was arguably the high water mark of console gaming.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member otherstar's Avatar
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    Man...nice score! What part of Houston did you find that in? I never see anything like that near Humble/Kingwood. I've never even seen anything like that in The Woodlands!

  6. #6
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Awesome! I sold mine to a pawn shop in the late nineties - always regretted it, though the 5 bucks came in handy....

    I have a SNES emulator on my android phone which is nifty - I play street fighter II, the Marios, Zombies Killed My Neighbours, the original Zelda etc. Also of course the Wii is an emulator of the various older Nintendo consoles - one of the best things about the Wii IMO.

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  7. #7
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I still have my SNES from when I was a kid, and another one in the closet as a backup.

    I can beat Super Mario World in about 10-15 minutes. It looks like you know your way around the game pretty well too...
    vvti713 likes this.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    LMFAO I still have a SNES and the original NES Every once in a while I break out the old systems and go to town. It wasn't to long ago I had my NES out and popped in the original Zelda. It took a couple of blows and a slide to the side, but I got it working and beat*the game. Kinda funny how when you start playing all the little things come back to you!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member ChesterCopperpot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbrouwers View Post
    LMFAO I still have a SNES and the original NES Every once in a while I break out the old systems and go to town. It wasn't to long ago I had my NES out and popped in the original Zelda. It took a couple of blows and a slide to the side, but I got it working and beat*the game. Kinda funny how when you start playing all the little things come back to you!!
    I first played Zelda when I was 12, before you could look up stuff on the internet to get help. It took me forever to find the 5th dungeon. My dad played it for about 5 minutes and found it by accident but when I asked him how he got there he didn't know. I was almost in tears. I think a friend finally figured it out.

  10. #10
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    I first played Zelda when I was 12, before you could look up stuff on the internet to get help. It took me forever to find the 5th dungeon. My dad played it for about 5 minutes and found it by accident but when I asked him how he got there he didn't know. I was almost in tears. I think a friend finally figured it out.

    I was 6 when it came out I probably didn't start playing it till I was a little older. Your right it would have been real nice to have the internet back then to look up what the hell to do when you got stuck.

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