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Thread: My Great Grandmothers clock

  1. #11
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    the reason for the close up pic of the face is for the members who are more knowlegable of clocks than i, it is the name of the gentleman who made the clock. He lived in bucks county pa, if i remember correctly, up around the northern part of the county.
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  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    After the clock ran for about 24 hours it lost about 3 minutes. I noticed in my reading about them that you can adjust the speed by changing the height of the pendulum. There is a nut under the weight to raise and lower it. I had moved it before when experimenting with it. I then raised it as high as it would go and in a few hours it had gained 4 min. It seems to be a fairly sensitive adjustment but it adjusts too fast and too slow so I know the proper spot is somewhere in the middle. I better be careful this might be the start of another hobby.
    Pendulum clocks when running properly will run right on the money. Millimeter changes in pendulum weight height are what you want to go for and then let the thing stabilize a few days.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Pendulum clocks when running properly will run right on the money. Millimeter changes in pendulum weight height are what you want to go for and then let the thing stabilize a few days.
    This is exactly what I am learning. Small adjustments and don't be in a hurry to do the next. It has been a long time since I have been in a shop full of clocks ticking away but in hindsight I imagine they were getting them in tune.

  4. #14
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    Small quarter turn on the adjustment knob on the pendulum, move the wieght up the pendulum to make it go faster, lower it for a slower time, and if a wall clock adjust the clock case till you get a regular tick tock then it is in beat.


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  5. #15
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I just got my birthday present from Mother, a "stoelklok"from Friesland, a northern province of Holland from where my Opa came from, I like to imagine this clock came from my great grand fathers farm. I am yet to find out how to set the time, it chimes on the half and the hour, it has an alarum function, but is missing the wieght and chain, and I don't of course as yet know how to set the alarum.


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    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by wvloony View Post
    the reason for the close up pic of the face is for the members who are more knowlegable of clocks than i, it is the name of the gentleman who made the clock. He lived in bucks county pa, if i remember correctly, up around the northern part of the county.
    That Clock is a very rare,very sought after piece.Magnificent,Buck county grandfathers are VERY rare.

  7. #17
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    my mother went to a museum in doylestown pa, it was called the mercer museum, she informed me that she saw another clock by the same person, the only other one that she had ever seen aside from ours, so i will have to agree with you, i dont know if i mentioned it or now, but the way my father explained it to me, it was his great grandmothers wedding gift, and it was used when it was given to her, it has been in our family for about 100 years or so, i believe it is about 150 years old at this point
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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Go To The NAWCC website (national assoc.of watch and clock collectors) You can do a huge amt of reaserch on the clock,I would also suggest getting it heavily insured.

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  10. #19
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    Very cool and nice to see something that is appreciated like that I have the clock that was the first thing my parents ever bought after they got married, 64yrs ago. It sits on my fireplace mantle in the bedroom. I just hope that one day my kids will have the appreciation for it
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  11. #20
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    15 years ago or so I was working in a factory and one of my coworkers said that his wristwatch broke and he wouldn't know when it was time for break. I said there is a clock on the wall over there. He said that I can't read that kind! His watch was digital. The more I think about that it was more like 20 years ago.

    More recently a friend that works with boring machines for going under roads said that they have a hard time with the younger workers when the say to adjust to the 2 o'clock position for example.

    This post is making me feel old.


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