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Thread: cutting back

  1. #21
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    and oldschool, I will do some digging into how to cure it, I think it would be fun. there is a guy over in bergton va, just up the road who grows his own tobacco, but he is a chewer, if you know what I mean

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  2. #22
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    home grown chewing tobacco now that would be a interestign thing to try. and wv i cook on our wood stove alll the time when its on. Every yr when i butcher deer up fro people I aleways have the cast iron pan on the woodstove with some heart and liver in it.

  3. #23
    Plays well with others! Link8382's Avatar
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    I am not sure about that, possibly. I have never tried the manifold style of cooking, but I have cooked stew, beans, and soup in the can when camping. Can is open and applied directly to the stove, labels removed. I am not sure if that is bad for you either but I never got sick from it.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Link8382 View Post
    I am not sure about that, possibly. I have never tried the manifold style of cooking, but I have cooked stew, beans, and soup in the can when camping. Can is open and applied directly to the stove, labels removed. I am not sure if that is bad for you either but I never got sick from it.
    As long as the can isn't galvanised you should be fine.

    This sounds a bit crazy but I've also heard of cooking an egg in the shell by placing it in a pile of freshly cut grass for 20 or so minutes. You can supposedly get a hard boiled egg without the boiling while you do your yardwork. I'm not sure why anyone would want to but it apparently works. Perhaps thats one for the myth busters?
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 02-23-2012 at 09:41 PM.

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