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Thread: Class 3 License Holders out there?

  1. #11
    Senior Member StraightRazorRobot's Avatar
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    sometimes I hate living in california...i don't like the beach that much. hell, i NEVER go. Also, i LOVE firearms. and pretty much anything that's not so legal in Kalifornia. Meh, someday i'll move. I've always liked the sound of colorado, even though i've never been. don't ask why, i just like the sound of it. heh.
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  2. #12
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Just don't be saying "someday" thirty years from now...
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    The scary thing is that when I was a kid of no more than thirteen, I was building "cans" for .22s,along with my friends for squirrel hunting,that's when you actually got a .22 for your tenth birthday and nobody blinked. Today either will get you a stay in the gray-bar hotel.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    The scary thing is that when I was a kid of no more than thirteen, I was building "cans" for .22s,along with my friends for squirrel hunting,that's when you actually got a .22 for your tenth birthday and nobody blinked. Today either will get you a stay in the gray-bar hotel.
    Yup. I remember going and buying ammo at 12. No problems. My first pistol was a Ruger Mark I given to me by my father when I was 5. I duracoated it last year as it had seen better days and was quite rusted and beaten up by not only me but nephew's etc while I was on deployments early on in the army during the gulf. Looks great now though.Name:  Ruger mark I 007.jpg
Views: 430
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    Flat dark earth and coyote brown.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    The scary thing is that when I was a kid of no more than thirteen, I was building "cans" for .22s,along with my friends for squirrel hunting,that's when you actually got a .22 for your tenth birthday and nobody blinked. Today either will get you a stay in the gray-bar hotel.
    When I was thirteen,(1960ish) I would walk down mainstreet in Mtn View Calif at 4 AM with my beatup Mod.12 going out to the bay behind Moffit field to bust ducks, nobody ever said squat.
    Shore patrol would run me off later in the day but always give me a ride home in the paddy wagon.
    Every hardware store in town carried ammo,was never any age limit that I recall.

  6. #16
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I don't know why but I think this is cool.

    Oil Filter Suppressor-FULL AUTO - YouTube
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  • #17
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    I was making silencers for 22's when I was a pup as well. I won't go into details and they didn't last long, BUT for one or two shots, they worked VERY well.

    I think I was eight when Dad gave me a Winchester Model 62A for Christmas. I was on top of the world. Still have that little rifle and it will still shoot better than I can.

    Many a West Texas jack rabbit fell to that thing. Brought a lot of bunnies and squirrels in for supper as well.
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  • #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Wullie,is your 62A a takedown model? just sold mine 3 weeks ago, bought at turners hardware store stockton Calif 1939,was mint,brought a good penny.

  • #19
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Yes Sir, it is the take down model. I don't know that I've ever seen one that wasn't.

    It's far from mint nowadays, but it'll never be sold as long as I'm alive. Dad bought it in 1936 in Carrizo Springs, TX when he was 9. Neither of us have been able to wear it out, but the bluing is mostly brown now.

    They're sweet shootin irons and will take anything you can feed 'em from CB caps to Long Rifles. Dad's using now to keep the killer zombie bird feeder raiding squirrels at bay. LOL He's shooting CCI CB caps in it. I had to scrub the chamber to shoot some LR stuff in it because of carbon build up, but it wasn't hurt. He thought he'd ruined it. Fooled him.

    I had a near mint Model 63A that I sold for a chunk of change that I wish I'd kept, but OH WELL....

  • #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well the old man is 85,keep him supplied with ammo,last memory I have of my Pa was 6 yrs ago,he lived in the little dusty town of Overton Nevada,drove 8 hrs to see him as the ma said he was feelin poorly.
    Got there, he was on the back porch with his beloved S&W 44 triple locks,several boxes of ammo and iced down jugs of buttermilk (he loved that stuff) shootin ground squrrels and the occasional jack rabbit that were raiding his garden.
    Dad says I, what in the hell are you doing? says he, protecting my crops,Right dad.
    How long you staying he asks, One day pop,gotta get back to my Buis.Billy he says, you have a job before you leave in the morn,go out in the shop, I cast up a bunch of wadcutters yesterday,Load me up some ammo, use the red dot ,make 6 grn loads,brass is all sized, primed and ready to go,Right pop.
    He was as happy as a pig eaten S$$T, I left, he died 4 days later,miss that old man

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