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Thread: Any raw denim gents? Or just denim gents?

  1. #1
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    Default Any raw denim gents? Or just denim gents?

    I naturally assume most of the men on this site are a bit older than I, at 23, and will be baffled by the fact that people spend $100+ on jeans. But something most people don't realize is that raw/dry denim is how all jeans came prior to 1970. They're dyed but not washed or distressed, they're extremely stiff and require breaking in, they bleed indigo everywhere, but they look glorious after about 6-8 months if worn consistently. They also fit better (in most cases) because they break in to your specific body.

    I have qualms with no man who chooses $20 Levi's because they're comfy and functional. Men on this site seem to be all about hand-crafted, high quality products. Well most raw denim are made on old Japanese looms, with high quality Japanese denim and run limited productions almost constantly. There are many pairs out there that are 10+ years old and are still in sound condition.

    I myself have 3 pairs of jeans and 1 jacket totaling roughly $550
    -Naked and Famous - natural indigo
    -Naked and Famous - black selvedge
    -3Sixteen - shadow selvedge (blue warp, black weft)
    -Levi's - trucker jacket in grey rigid

    Anyone else care to share their collection or opinions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Never been a clothes horse likely because no matter what I put on or the cost I still look like a bag of hammers. No qualms with anyone who gets enjoyment out of it though, not that I would notice. Not that I don't appreciate "quality hand crafted" products it is just that with limited disposable income I use that for other indulgences as a matter of priorities. Clothing is just not that high on the list.

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  3. #3
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    I understand the income part. I buy one decent article every month or two. I also run around goodwill every now and again. I've slowed because I'm now looking at houses but it's always nice hearing other's stories.

  4. #4
    Ordinary Average Guy richkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any raw denim gents? Or just denim gents?

    I own a pair of Japanese jeans spun on an old loom that cost over $100. I'll probably get another pair at some point. I'm a bit of a quality over quantity type, also. I like to have things that last. I guess that is another reason that I find straight razors appealing.

    (I'm 44 yo & probably look like a bag of hammers, too )
    Last edited by richkev; 12-27-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by moderngentleman View Post
    I understand the income part. I buy one decent article every month or two. I also run around goodwill every now and again. I've slowed because I'm now looking at houses but it's always nice hearing other's stories.
    Don't get me wrong about priorities and you will find out when you do buy that house. That is where my priorities were as well as supporting a family, going through a divorce and paying off a second house after divorcing. These responsibilities on an average income mean you don't have a lot of disposable income at the time for indulgences. Life style has a lot to do with with how you spend your dough for the average person and usually the biggest difference is whether you are married with a family or not. For me priorities are necessities first and indulgences in luxury goods second. OTH if you have unlimited cash why not indulge in every aspect of your life. No qualms with that either.

    Ryan82 likes this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #6
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I think it's interesting that anybody would spend so much on jeans. But, if you asked me how much I was willing to spend on razor hones, or sharpening paraphenalia a year and a half ago, I'd have told you "less than a hundred bucks total". Now I've spent over ten times that amount...and it doesn't seem nearly as shocking to me as it used to.

    As long as you love it, I'm all for it! Enjoy your handmade jeans to the utmost!
    BobH likes this.

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  8. #7
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Once upon a time, Levi jeans WERE made of real denim, I hate all these prewashed faded garbage. Did you know that they actually DESIGN jeans to last only approx 5-6 months? (was told this by a person who worked in the industry)
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  9. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Post some links to vendors - I would be interested in getting a pair or three if they really last that long.
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  10. #9
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    Once upon a time, Levi jeans WERE made of real denim, I hate all these prewashed faded garbage. Did you know that they actually DESIGN jeans to last only approx 5-6 months? (was told this by a person who worked in the industry)
    I don't doubt it in the slightest. I had a pair of Buffalo ($120) jeans that were paper thin and unbelievably comfortable, but blew the knee out completely when I knelt to tie my shoe. I'll never buy jeans lighter than 12oz now. Levi's STF are actually really high quality and are only $60-70. A buddy of mine drops hundreds of dollars on sunglasses every month and is baffled at my jeans bill.

    And Bob I can't imagine going through all of that. I'm looking for a fixer upper to live in for a few years and flip, or die in. If I had been actually saving the last 6 months instead, I'd have an extra 3k to work with. Now I'm crossing my fingers I won't have to cover closing costs lol.

  11. #10
    The Razor Talker parkerskouson's Avatar
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    I am very interested in some "raw denim" jeans. Was watching a special and one of my favorite TV hosts is staring to produce some. They only cost $120, which from what I read is not much for these style of jeans. Take a look and see what you guys think! Even though I want some, I probably wont buy and for at least the next year because I am still growing. Here is the link: 1791 Supply CoDenim|Shop the 1791 Supply Co Official Store
    scap99 likes this.
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