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Thread: The Finer Things In Life

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ullmencott's Avatar
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    Default The Finer Things In Life

    The finer things in life.
    For me itīs the small things in life such as:
    Remembering how it felt hanging on the ships reeling at day brake in some south american port middle 60īs. Seeing the town awake, smell of green coffee beans and the smell of the ship I was working on.
    The birth of my children and their growth
    During summer evenings, around 9 oīclock, sitting in the garden gently puffing on my pipe, sipping on a good whisky and hear and feel the nature come to rest. It suddenly becomes quiet, the birds and all other sounds suddenly stops.
    Sitting on the veranda in summer reading the paper drinking my coffee, so even in the evenings (whiteout coffee but beer instead ) puffing on my pipe and remembering long gone friends.
    The knowing when I have done a good job at work.
    And among all other things:
    Newly shaved with a good knife and a decent aftershave.
    There are so many things in life that can be said finer things about.
    These are mine. Others have their cup of tea or coffee, their guns their clothes and so on.

    But what its really about is:

    Enjoy life while it lasts.

    Regards: Ullmencott
    ThePhill, Sailor and rolodave like this.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Ullmencott For This Useful Post:

    Sailor (12-30-2012)

  3. #2
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Thanks for the beautiful post.
    There are so many things in life to enjoy. The older i get, the less i'm interested in what masses think; not interested in getting something new but rather trying to be happy & comfort with what i have. Not much, but enough.

    I've lived and worked either by or at sea for almost whole of my life. There are so many good memories. few not to mention on family friendly site but also just some glimpses of seeing the world the whole new way. The nature and cultures and all. We are not so different. Everyone wants the same things from life. Still working at the sea and nowadays i have a sort of love/hate relationship with it.

    While seeing/doing things somewhere in my deployments i didn't like at least helped me to understand and respect the life we have in our home land. Doing things i'm not proud of.

    Seeing my kids born, seeing them grow up, seeing them learning and enjoying and to be independent people who are not doing so bad. The keys for the good life is in their hands.

    Sitting on the backyard veranda, smoking my pipe with either coffee, tea, or beer (depends what time of the day it is) with the doggies. Listening to seagulls laugh (probably at me) and watching the little birds doing their little bird things. To hear my wife nagging is to know that the world is in balance. Life is not so bad anyways. I have no ad's of any kind and i hope i will never get any.

    As someone -wiser than me- said. there are three things man could stare forever:
    Raging sea.
    Flames at the campfire.
    Sleep of the little child.

    I've seen them all. Not any bad thing or good things i've seen would ever overcome those.
    Last edited by Sailor; 12-31-2012 at 11:06 PM.
    rolodave likes this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Sailor For This Useful Post:

    Ullmencott (01-01-2013)

  5. #3
    Senior Member Ullmencott's Avatar
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    So true Sailor, so true.
    By the way I did some small scale fishing some years ago, and being on the sea, that is dead flat as a mirror, taking up the fishing nets at daybreak, the only sound is from seagulls and my old hot bulb engine. That is also hard to beat.
    Sailor likes this.

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