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Thread: My soon to be first motorcycle

  1. #11
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Getting saddle bags with the bike. And there is a backpack type thing on the passenger backrest that you can't see in the photo.

  2. #12
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    congrats .. i had a sporty , bored out , cms , bigger carb, sampson straight pipes , a little raked out with drag bars ect ect ect was always nice to come home from work and ride all night in the hot summer nights ... a buddy of mine was on my left side and turned right infront of me clipping my front end and i laid the bike down ..

    i alsmost bought an old pan head last summer but i had to pay bills instead

    have fun and be safe , i noticed most the time its the other guy you gotta watch out for on the road ...

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Great ride, enyoy it and drive safe.
    Use a helmet.

  4. #14
    Senior Member ProudMarineDad's Avatar
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    I used to ride but stopped after going down on my 2002 Honda VTX1800R on my way to work a year ago. Luckily I had full gear on including chaps and gauntlet gloves. No road rash because of the gear and only broke my left ankle which now has two titanium screws in it. If I hadn't had a full face helmet I would be missing an ear now. I decided not to ride any longer especially when so many idiots are texting while they drive.

  5. #15
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    Got 90 miles from 1.5 gallons. Brunch was an excuse to take a 50 mile ride. Needed the chaps today; it was in the low 50s.
    This is completely unscientific but my observations have led me to believe that most guys don't ride with the temp less than their age.

  6. #16
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    If you're going to Los Alamos and the roads are clear, continue out on Highway 4 to Jemez Springs. The road past Valles Caldera is just breathtaking. Take it slow as it's twisty and will be cool. Get soak to warm up at Jemez Springs hot springs and head back.

    That's a ride.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Nice Dylan. Just be careful and watch out for the other guy. Nice to buy from someone you can trust.

  8. #18
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGilloon View Post
    If you're going to Los Alamos and the roads are clear, continue out on Highway 4 to Jemez Springs. The road past Valles Caldera is just breathtaking. Take it slow as it's twisty and will be cool. Get soak to warm up at Jemez Springs hot springs and head back.

    That's a ride.
    We didn't have time to keep riding out, but we did take 4 back the other way. It is indeed a beautiful road.

    Now I'm back in NY and it's supposed to rain every day this coming week. I'll take the safety course the first weekend in May, head to the DMV for my license, and have the bike shipped to arrive as soon after as possible. It's going to be a long month...

  9. #19
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    +3 on the MSF-- "looking towards where you want the bike to go", "using both brakes", and "braking before the turn" are key things I took away from that course. I'll always remember my Sportster as being fun around town. I ride a KLR650 now and couldn't be happier. Always be aware of your oil level and tire pressure before you set out to ride--that goes for any motorcycle!

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