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Thread: Remington R1 front sight adjustment

  1. #1
    MWS is offline
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    Default Remington R1 front sight adjustment

    For all you experienced shooters - is there a way to adjust the front sight of a Remington 1911 R1? Nothing in my owners manual and am having a heck of a time Googling the "internetz" but not finding too much.

    After a few hundred rounds I'm averaging about 15" to the left at 25 yards (a much better marksman borrowed it and was shooting about 4" to the left) and said my front sight was way off. I'm assuming I have to get a shim and tap it to the LEFT a touch to compinsate, but it appears to have a hole in the top for an allen key. I have one that should fit, but doesn't seem to loosen and I don't want to strip I doing it correctly? Is it afixed with a screw and, once loosened, do I just nudge it with a shim to protect the metal and a hammer? Do I need a special tool?

    Advice appreciated, very new at this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    This thread should tell you what kind of wrench fit s the front sight lock down screw R1 front sight - 1911Forum and this link if you scroll down to "adjusting for accuracy" will tell you which way you have to move the front sight or rear sight to zero your sights.

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  3. #3
    "My words are of iron..."
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    Just a hex key the right size. There is probably loctite in there and just a little heat will loosen that. Typically a sight like this setup will not need much more than finger pressure to adjust, tighten set screw, shoot, readjust as needed. If your pistol is setup this way, you should know how to do this without resorting to a gunsmith. Not that I don't like gunsmiths mind you, but if you have tires on your car, you should know how to change those too.

  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    What about those of us without tires on our cars? Lol

    I second that, though. Always amazed when a driver doesn't know how to change a tire. I think a person should be able to do basic maintenance on anything used regularly.

  5. #5
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    This has been oft neglected advice:

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  6. #6
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    This would be a good time to replace the sights with tritium...
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  7. #7
    MWS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    This thread should tell you what kind of wrench fit s the front sight lock down screw R1 front sight - 1911Forum and this link if you scroll down to "adjusting for accuracy" will tell you which way you have to move the front sight or rear sight to zero your sights.

    Got the hex key (0.05") will tweak it next time I'm at the range. Thanks guys, happy shooting.
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