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Thread: Boats - That hole in the water to throw $$$ into

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Boats - That hole in the water to throw $$$ into

    Let's see the pics an hear the stories Gents, you know you love that wonderful boat that lets you get away for awhile.

    Fishing, Water Sports, Cruising, Sailing, Rowing, What is it that you hit the water with ???

    I was out on the lake all day with the wife, we have a small 20' Bayliner Cuddy Cabin with a Volvo 270 I/O, this year we rented a slip so that we don't have to deal with the Launch and Recover headache. Nothing real fancy, but she is in great shape and everything works, we "Can" sleep on it but we haven't yet maybe this year..

    We basically are just Cruisers, now and then we will drag the tube behind the boat, but not often, we boat in Lake Pend Oreille which is quite large and very deep, so pretty darn cold too Water temp today was at 56 degrees...

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    Ok no BS the lake is so deep the Navy uses in to train Sonar Operators , and to test new Sub Innovations down in the deep part of the lake by Bayview..
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    The other end of the lake runs into the Pend Orielle River for quite a few miles, this is a run we did last year in that direction.. Please excuse the wifey she thinks she is quite funny sometimes

    Out on the Boat- Dover Bay run - YouTube

    So let's see what you guys are getting out on the water with

    More pics coming when I can get on the Desktop...
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  • #2
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    I used to have a third share in a 41' Westerly Sea Lord yacht. If you'd like to know how it feels, just stand in the shower, fully clothed and tear up twenty pound notes!

    They say that the second best feeling in the world is the day that you buy your boat and the best feeling is the day that you sell it!


  • #3
    . Otto's Avatar
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    I just love sailing. I grew up next door to a fjord, and there were always a boat or three around to use.

    One of my most memorable trips where in 1987 sailing in the Pacific North West. From Bellingham around Vancouver Island and back.
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    I spent a lot of time at the helm.

    I have a Norwegian boating license, but I've decided to not buy a boat until I've moved to a warmer climate.
    gssixgun, 32t and Hirlau like this.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  • #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Well Glen, judging by the type of music, lack of camera focus on that beautiful house, that sinister laugh as you plowed though those waves; there might have been a cooler full of on that boat.
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  • #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Aye John, I made Bloody Mary mix two days before that, two things I really make well, Bloody Mary's and Mojito's all other bartending is left to the wife
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  • #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    No Pics,was long before even computors,I spent two yrs Building a solid Mahogany Hydroplane, (12ft long)Fitted a 90 HP merc stripped of the case and made it an inbourd,was fantastic.
    Took it to anderson Res,launched sat to low in the water,back to the shop,sealed off all the dead space in the Bow,bored holes thru the hull.
    Filled the the voids with 4 gals of two part expanding foam,Plugged the holes and waited,Mine was a briliant solution
    Split the entire boat in half pulled the engine, hauled it to the dump.
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  • #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    'Saw the $$$$$ people put into said holes in the water and opted for a 17' sea kayak. 'Couldn't be more happy w/ it. Newport, CA to Avalon, Newport to LA harbor & back, San Juans. 'Really cool way to get out.
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  • #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    'Saw the $$$$$ people put into said holes in the water and opted for a 17' sea kayak. 'Couldn't be more happy w/ it. Newport, CA to Avalon, Newport to LA harbor & back, San Juans. 'Really cool way to get out.
    Do's it have a motor?

  • #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I be the motor. I used to have a better motor, but that was a few yrs back
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  • #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    I be the motor. I used to have a better motor, but that was a few yrs back
    Did you read the story and see the pics of that 1300 lb mako they caught, and killed off of Huntington Beach yesterday?
    You cannot outrun those puppys in a kayak

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