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Thread: Not a razor, but...

  1. #11
    FAL is offline
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    Nice job, don't forget the Cho, the little rounded cut out on the edge near the bolster if you are going official Kuhkri. Your model looks like an WWII pattern.

    I have Khukri's from 30" down to 8", as a survival blade there is no better, have shaved with an 22" 2.5lb model-Chitlange, my favorite of all.

    Hope you get the Grinder that works best for you.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to FAL For This Useful Post:

    Cangooner (07-08-2016)

  3. #12
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I got a bit side-tracked but finally finished this off the other day. The blade shows some scratches here that were removed after the photo was taken. In all, I was pretty pleased with it and didn't really want to let it go. Ah well. Will just have to make myself another, better, one.

    Things I learned:

    1) agreeing to make something for a friend without first negotiating a price is a rookie mistake. It all worked out in the end as were thinking of the same ballpark figure, but I now realize the potential for disagreement was pretty large
    2) compared to steel, copper is a right bugger to work with. Man, does it ever get hot when worked with power tools. To avoid that, I ended up doing a LOT of filing but it looks great, so was worth it
    3) charred maple + boiled linseed oil makes for a gorgeous combination
    4) I have deposited a pretty impressive amount of gunk onto my workbench in the year and a half since I built it. That surface used to be pristine!

    Name:  2-DSC_0083.NEF.jpg
Views: 142
Size:  47.0 KB

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Very nice mate, it came out looking great,
    I have Khukri on my list of knives to make also, they are a tricky shape to grind with a hollow face also like most have also.
    Now for a sheath ?? To finish it off??
    That's fun too,
    Great work
    to shave another day.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Substance For This Useful Post:

    Cangooner (08-11-2016)

  6. #14
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    Looks good, the down turned blade is great for chopping.

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