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Thread: TSA Hijinks

  1. #1
    Senior Member Silents's Avatar
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    Default TSA Hijinks

    I am returning to NYC from a trip to Charleston, SC today. As I went through the TSA Screening in Charleston, my Carreon was pulled to the side to be inspected. I had packed a DE razor (at home it's 95% SR) and lurched a pack of blades in Charleston. Knowing that I couldn't bring the blades on the plane I was sure to dispose of the used blade and toss the pack of razors.

    TSA had pulled my razor from my bag, because, "You can't fly with this." When I asked why not, I was told because it contains a razor blade and you cannot fly with a razor blade. Offered to open the head to show that the razor was empty, but she refused. I then offered to open it and as told I could not touch the item. After a solid 15 minutes of discussion they were trying to confiscate the razor. (I had offered to go back and check the bag). I was forced to have a supervisor called. After another 10 minutes of discussion, he finally consented to open the razor to inspect for a blade (it was empty).

    Frustrating that most people today do not understand the tools of the past.

    Anyone else have any TSA Hijinks stories to share?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I get stripped searched (special booth with curtains & 2 TSA agents 98% of the time I travel), random my arse.
    Always I'm told to empty everything & gropped in every private area I have.
    After a strip search in 2003 , on my way to California, after boarding the plane, my son asked me for a pen so he could write in a note pad he had; I reached in my waist pouch, that went through the machine, to find a pen next to my extra magazine of +P+ Ranger 9mm , for my Glock 19 that I checked into the belly of the plane.
    I forgot it was there.

  3. #3
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    I was stationed on the island of Diego Garcia last year and it is British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T. for short) and so I had to go through british customs and I knew not to bring one of my real straights but I brought my shavette with me there. I had no problem with it coming in there but when I came time for me to leave and go to my next duty station they said that I couldn't take it with me and there were no blades to be found anywhere. I think they just wanted it for themselves.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    That's sad,,,
    if I fly. I'm gonna put a DE through the bottom.

  5. #5
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I had an issue of Blade magazine removed from my carry on.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I always just knew all these stricter security measures were making it safer to travel. Thanks to you gents I now have that confirmed.

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  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Before I retired I worked in Federal Law Enforcement and when I flew is pleased me to no end to go walking right through all the checkpoints armed and expedited right on to the aircraft while watching all of you going through the third degree in security-har har.

    These days I don't fly.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Before I retired I worked in Federal Law Enforcement and when I flew is pleased me to no end to go walking right through all the checkpoints armed and expedited right on to the aircraft while watching all of you going through the third degree in security-har har.

    These days I don't fly.
    That's because, back in your time, it was hard to hi-jack one of these babies.

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  9. #9
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    I have two TSA hijinks stories, one shaving related the other not. Once I traveled with my straight in my checked luggage (no issues there) but my cream, mug, brush, and metal brush holder were packed in my carry-on. My metal brush holder raised enough eyebrows that when they asked to whom a the bag belonged to, I had tell them what it was and show them how the brush hung in the holder, only then could I have the holder back.

    The second story starts in Knoxville's airport and ends in Oakland. While visiting my dad years ago, he gave me a brand new set of Craftsman easy-outs still in there original packaging. I didn't think anything about it and just threw them in my carry on. Went through Knoxville security no problem, during my layover in Houston I left the secure area, came back through the security screening-no problem. Made it home and by then I had forgotten about the easy-outs still being in my carry-on. Two weeks later with the same carry-on, my wife and I fly from Tucson to Oakland, no problem going through Tucson's security. Coming home though is a different story. After TSA had been searching my bag for 10 minutes to no avail, they call me over and ask me if I know what they're looking for. I have no idea and tell them so. They show me the x-ray screen shot of my bag showing the easy-outs. I proceeded to pull them out of the bag at which point they told me I could not have them on the plane. My checked luggage was already gone so someone got a set of easy-outs for free.

    Not TSA related because this was before there time, but once going through security in Phoenix, I emptied my pockets as we all do. Once my items went through the scanner, I was told I could not take my "Strike Anywhere" matches on the plane. I said "No problem" as I grabbed my lighter and put it back in my pocket. Go figure.

    Last one, I swear. Anyone notice you can't take a lighter through the security screening, but if you're flying through Atlanta (and probably a few other airports as well), in two of the concourses they have smoking lounges and sell cigarettes and LIGHTERS.

  10. #10
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    i never have a problem, because i check my bags with all my straight razor stuff. that's what we're suppose to do as responsible citizens and shavers

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