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  1. #1
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Default Shopping List for Widget Supply


    Am putting in an order with widget supply, and considering where I live I would like to make the order worthwhile. Mainly stuff to do with the flap wheels, felt buffs, flitz etc. Not sure of what size or what type of flaps or buffs, but am open to any other suggestions that I may not have thought of. I want some fabulustre also but I don'think they sell it.



  2. #2
    Senior Member ToxIk's Avatar
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    I just go a nice sized order from them recently. They have some much fun stuff there, I spent $60USD or so and could have so easily blown ten times more. Anyway, some of the following should be good basics to get you started.

    Medium felt polishing wheels. These are pretty good for polishing. I haven't used the hard felt wheels, so I couldn't tell you about those. As for the soft ones, they're great too, but I prefer to do gentler work like that by hand.
    The Muslin/Cloth buffing wheels are good too, but I think they're meant more for wax than polishing compounds.

    The 1.5x1" flap wheels too. I personally don't use them - I have other methods - but I hear they're great, and quite easy to use.

    One of the rotary bit sets. I got this one. They just come with abit of everything and can be all around handy.

    A drill bit set could come in handy too. I'd also pick up a bunch of bits that are commonly used with razors. A bunch of 1/16" which is the common size of pins, and some 3/32" for bushings if you want to use those.

    I don't have much experience with it, so I got a small bar of green jewlers rouge to experiment with.

    A small set of files comes in handy too; for things like filing down pins or other touchups. I didn't get mine from widgetsupply tho, was easy enough to pickup a $7 set at he hardware store.

    I also got a set of diamond burrs. They're on as a special, cheap as hell, so I got some. Wire brushes also come in handy to cleaning nook and crannies, like the jimps of razors.

    Can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure there's a whole lot more

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Don't discount the muslin wheels they are very handy for putting a final polish on blades especially if you have some fine rouge. They are also mandatory for polishing celluloid and plastic scales and for that matter bone. Also the chamois wheels are great for the scales also.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Thanks guys for some ideas. I shall look into them more.

    In regards to the polishing wheels, there seem to be various different types made of different materials and sizes. What type should I be looking at to use say with fabulustre to achieve that final polish, and for that matter what wheel for doing some of the harder buffing to get to the final polishing stage. And also what size wheels?

    Is it better to have a dedicated buffer say on a lathe, rather than expecting the dremel to do all the work. I can't imagine the dremel lasting too long if it's doing all the work.

    Also with the flap wheels what size and what grit. I have never used a flap wheel before, so am not real sure of the proper procedure, and how dangerous it may be. Also ditto for the felt polishing pads what size and mounted or unmounted?

    Enough questions for now, I'm sure there will be more to follow.


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