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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default An interesting perspective on how wet shaving can influence your personality.

    I was reading an article on called "5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers." When I got to #2 about how to control anger and frustration by using your non-dominant hand in daily routine tasks, it reminded me of stories I've come across here and on other shaving forums where people have completely turned their lives around after getting into wet shaving.

    The entire gist of the entry is summed up in one fragment of a sentence:
    ...just asking these people to use their clumsy hand to do everyday tasks forced them to deal with hundreds of tiny, totally manageable moments of frustration.
    It really got me thinking and it makes sense to me. In shaving with a straight razor, I started having to use my left hand for half of my face. In the recent months I've actually become much more patient than I was before I started wet shaving. I'm interested to see if anyone else has noticed a trend.

    The original research article the that the list cites is here.

  2. #2
    Simple Shaver RoobtheLoob's Avatar
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    For the record, I love cracked. And more on topic, I think the practice of focusing on a task that involves patience is a great deterrent for anger. The least angry people I know are people with patience (not to be confused with people who have patients). Teaching yourself to do daily tasks with the opposite hand is a great way to practice patience. I personally have noticed a difference in my level of pantience even from when I started using Double edge razors. I started taking my time and it calmed my brain down. Thus my anger has decreased (though I never considered or was ever told that I was angry person).

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Funny about this thread.

    Why just the other day I was telling Mr. Ls sidekick Mr Death he should just chill out he was too tense. I told him he should take up straight shaving. Mr L laughed. he said he's already cold as ice cause he's dead and he don't grow no whiskers. Mr Death said folks just don't understand him. He has this awesome responsibility having to grab all those souls and since he has to work both sides of the street having to please Mr L and the Big Guy he's constantly being begged by folks wanting to be helped in , well...either of the two destinations. So it's up to him to give folks the bad news where they might be going and Mr L is a very tough task master. So I said why do you pal around with him so much and not with the Big Guy.He said the Big Guy is too busy while Mr L has all the time in the world. Mr L said that's right I got my minions to do the small stuff.

    Mr L on the other hand is as calm as a cucumber. He said he owes it to his straight shaving and all those wonderful soaps and aftershaves and pre and post routines he uses. The only problem is keeping everything at a reasonable temperature so it doesn't get ruined. Hmm, maybe that's why he spends all his time around here just to store his gear. Now he's got this fancy custom made razor I'd like to try. I'll bet it shaves like Hell-har har.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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