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  1. #1
    Senior Member Namdnas's Avatar
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    Default Straight Razor Business Idea

    I'm a new member, but when I joined, I remember seeing a post on shaving people as a service, to which the reply was, 'I think you'd have to have a barber's license.'. I'm fairly sure that is right, and I am guessing that many of the most expert, long time SR shavers on here are not barbers. It got me thinking.

    For various reasons, style, counterculture, environmentalism, machismo, health, etc... there appears to be a growing interest in straight razors. I know for me, it was an internet article around Christmas for 'Coolest Presents for Men', or something like this. My interest in all things nostalgic immediately kicked in. Regardless, one item was a straight razor kit, and it got me thinking. I started wondering, 'does anyone actually shave with one of those things, still today?' (braces for impact). Yada, yada, yada, eventually, I find this site. I have ordered Lynn's video to show me how to do this, but what better than an 'in person' training.

    Brown University, which is local for me runs something called the Brown Learning Community, offering non-credit evening and weekend courses from Brown. These classes do not require admission to Brown and tuition is as low as $15 for some one-day classes. They run the gamut from Japanese Cooking to Advanced Microsoft Excel to building a New England Rock Wall. In this way, they act as a clearinghouse for classes which would normally have trouble finding a forum. There are tons of niche classes offered.

    My idea is a traveling, 'Wet Shaving Seminar', hosted by one or two experienced, enthusiastic straight and DE shavers. This could be associated with something like I described with the Brown Learning Community, or an autonomous venture.

    The classes could be on the weekends, possibly at a hotel conference room.

    You would have straight razors, lotions, soaps, hones, etc... basically all SR related items there an on display for people to see and possibly try.

    You could give a few lectures, with PowerPoint and or live demos on topics such a
    s razor honing, proper lathering, stropping, etc...

    Participants could all try a wet shave, with a very cheap, take home straight razor (I've seen brand new cheapies on eBay for $5, and while they may suck longer term, some of them must be good for a few shaves). The experts could critique the new shavers, providing valuable feedback. The instructor could start this off himself by shaving himself in front of the class. Get those liability releases ready folks...

    You could offer starter kits available for purchase, including items such as Tony Miller's strops, Colleens soaps, Dovo razors, Lynn's DVDs, etc... Let's face it, one of the reasons that some potential straight shavers don't is because they've never even seen one.

    Charge $50-75 dollars a head, and include lunch.

    Note that the classes would proceed only if enough people register.

    Pick a few larger metropolitan areas to start with, and have at it.

    At the very least, you should be able to pay your way, maybe make a little cash, see some new cities and have fun promoting something you love.

    I, for one, would sign up for something like this. I suggest Providence as a good 'beta' city . Preparation and materials should be minimal, as this is something you already do. What better a place to bring a display case of straights for 'ooh, ah' gawking?

    It would be great fun if you were retired or just wanted an excuse to travel around a bit. A 'Honemeister' would be a real treat.

    Last, we could have a get together at the lounge after the class for all local SRP members.

    That's my idea. Take it for what it's worth. If it takes off, I demand an 8/8 damascus blade with horn scales for my IP.... just kidding, run with it. I don't expect it would be a huge moneymakers, but again, be something that gets the word out and is a good time.

    Take care,

  2. #2
    Senior Member Razorburne's Avatar
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    I don't know if they would do it, but I can tell you that as long as it was close enough, it would definitely be something I would sign up to attend. New York would be a wonderful place to have it

    Really does sound like a neat idea!

  3. #3
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Along with "burning" questions I always look at anything business related too so this caught my eye.

    I love John's idea and I'd like to submit another thought.....

    2 or 3 months ago something was mentioned in regards, to my attending an East coast show...and the jest of the story ended up being; wouldn't it be great if there were "Straight Razor" shows....the same as they do "Custom Knife Shows".

    A place where all Traditional wet-shavers could gather....there could be ROWS of vintage and custom straight razors to choose from and swap for ( and of course DE's) Vendor's who are in the trade could be there....custom strops, hones, shaving soaps etc. Vendors could demonstrate their wares and we could all meet each other!

    The more experienced could do a Seminar of sorts regarding their techniques....featuring Lynn at 2 p.m. kinda thing Or having Tony doing actual demonstrations of the proper way to strop your razor! Oh...the possibilities are so endless.......

    Maybe folks could start small local chapters...

    Forgive me for sorda Hi-Jacking the thread...but I would love to see something like John's idea develop or trade shows for Straight Razor enthusiasts.


  4. #4
    Senior Member Namdnas's Avatar
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    Great Idea Colleen. I love it, and I'm in. At least, I'll pay my way at the door.

    Just a thought. I can see what I am proposing growing into something like that based on interest. If the seminar idea had a low turnout, then you could gage better whether a particular city could support a full fledged show, and the organizer/instructor hasn't had much cash outlay. In fact, he could cancel the 2-3 hour seminar based on the number of registrations. He could collect registration fees via something like Paypal, or a conference registration web site such as

    I was thinking, at $100/person, we'd have the following;

    $300 Hotel room in major city
    $400 Conference room in same hotel
    $100 Supplies
    $500 Flight
    $150 Meals
    $150 Misc.

    $1600 Fixed Costs

    $100 Registration per attendee
    $10 Lunch for attendees per attendee
    $10 Give away straight razor per attendee
    $20 Variable cost per person
    $80 Net per attendee

    Attendees Profit
    20 $0 break even point
    25 $400
    30 $800
    35 $1,200
    40 $1,600

    Many of these are just guesses. Flights may be cheaper (Southwest), razors (Zeepk.... I know), food (pizza), meeting space (Elks, Masons hall, library, chamber of commerce, etc...).

    So, again, that's my idea. I'd love to see this happen.
    (Go Go Boston or Providence!!!)

    Thank you,
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Interesting idea, and I hate to ick anyones wow, but let me throw this in..

    I work for a community college in California, in the Public Safety Department.

    If a student is caught with a pocket knife on campus, let alone a straight razor, all heck breaks loose.

    Based on my experience, I'd be suprized if a college, school, or any public facility/entity would allow it. I think it would have to be done completely private and then some sort of liability protection would have to be in place. "He told/showed me yada-yada, he didn't tell/show me yada-yada, and now I'm injured yada-yada-yada, ad nauseum yada..." Oh there's always one of those waiting somewhere...

    Or, I can see it now, 100 men walking into the local Hyatt Regency carrying straight razors for a "seminar." Oh that's right, everyone would keep theirs hidden from sight at all times... no one would notice, the cops wouldn't care...

    I know, I know...

    Last edited by honedright; 02-05-2007 at 08:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Well, I doubt you get 100 people anyway, but that's not the point.

    Scott is right about the possibility of a liability lawsuit. However, you don't have to go to a seminar for that exposure... it's right here on this (or any) forum... you as a poster and/or Lynn as the sight owner could be sued for anything they say. That was Joe Lerch's point in a thread some time ago. Anyone with the desire can sue you claiming you told them something that resulted in their injury. The lawsuit would likely be without merit, but would you defend yourself... or would you just fork over some money to avoid having to spend even more money to defend yourself. Lots of people make lots of money with that exact approach... sue and settle out of court. Insurance companies pay out lots of money to these opportunists. SRP has protected itself with the disclaimer you had to "sign" when you registered for the site. Nevertheless, I'm still careful about what I say... disclaimers only protect if you go to court... and then not always. I can't afford to go to court.

    All that said, I think it's a great idea.... now, who wants to spend their time touring and demonstrating? .... anyone? .... anyone? (think Ferris Bueller).

  7. #7
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Interesting idea, and I hate to ick anyones wow, but let me throw this in..

    I work for a community college in California, in the Public Safety Department.

    If a student is caught with a pocket knife on campus, let alone a straight razor, all heck breaks loose.

    Based on my experience, I'd be suprized if a college, school, or any public facility/entity would allow it. I think it would have to be done completely private and then some sort of liability protection would have to be in place. "He told/showed me yada-yada, he didn't tell/show me yada-yada, and now I'm injured yada-yada-yada, ad nauseum yada..." Oh there's always one of those waiting somewhere...

    Or, I can see it now, 100 men walking into the local Hyatt Regency carrying straight razors for a "seminar." Oh that's right, everyone would keep theirs hidden from sight at all times... no one would notice, the cops wouldn't care...

    I know, I know...

    I hate to say it but in large part thats only California around here some universities have found out the hard way that you can't infringe on peoples rights in the public spaces of a campus. Private classrooms are another story but even the most liberal campus in the state still has a bladed weapons show under the guise of a art expo. Shaving as "art" I think there are ways around this worry, but Joes on the other hand might be a little harder.

    A hundred bucks a head I haven't put that into my whole kit hones included. but then I'm a cheap SOB

  8. #8
    Senior Member Namdnas's Avatar
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    Well, when I added up the costs, and used 20 attendees as the target break-even, that's what I got.

    I am sure there are ways to save on most of what I put up, but again, I am just vetting this idea, as I wish one was scheduled near where I live.

    An informal gathering, at someone's house, maybe without a honemeister, but with at least some veteran shavers and several guys who like straight shaving might work too.

    I for one would offer my grill and porch up for a summer get together in the Rhode Island area. One concession. If you drink, you MUST try my homebrew. No exceptions!!...

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think to have an SRP members meeting at someone's house is one thing but to have a commercial enterprise open to the public is something else. To hold a hands on razor thing at any hotel they will be concerned about liability and you will need insurance to cover any problems or issues that arise. Also, what if some idiot tries to shave or strop with a razor and cuts a finger off at the seminar. What then? Who pays for the medical care and possible lawsuits? Not only are you personally liable but so is the Hotel and anyone officially connected to the seminar. I know Lynn would never go for it if he was in any way part of it.

    This issue has come up before in different contexts and the general consensus was that there are too many possible issues. Sure, probably nothing bad would ever happen but you can't conduct business with that assumption in this sue crazy environment. I'm sure one of our legal eagles here can expand on this some more.

    I think this would have to be confined to a members only , private thing.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #10
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    Only in California. I normally carry a three inch frame lock knife. At a grammer school, that is a felony. I try to leave it in my car when I go to the grandchildren's events at school.

    Think County Fair.

    I have a store near by that sells womans items like Brighton and Pandora. They also handle some C&E products less the mens items. I was thinking about doing a wet shave demo on weekends.


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