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Thread: Popularity of 'hot' razors

  1. #1
    Senior Member ScienceGuy's Avatar
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    Default Popularity of 'hot' razors

    I know this is quite a frequent question, as to why certain razors are 'hot' or fantastically expensive like the Filly 14s and Wade and Butchers. I know that there are trends and things go in and out, but what I'm wondering is what really drives the trends, and I know this is something that really can't be answered by conjecture.

    So, people who love / want / have any of the popular razors that often command high prices, why do you desire them? Perceived steel quality? The ability to have a rare (or perceived rare) item? Showing off? Keeping up with the neighbors? Belonging to a cool club? You just really like them? Possible associated history (as in the 'for barbers use' razors)? I'm very curious to hear your motives / opinions.

  2. #2
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    I started collecting and using back in the past November. I know that I collect a lot of the lesser known razors- even the more well known brands- for the historicity attached to them. I guess I was just born in the wrong era, and I'm trying to revive history in some small way!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScienceGuy View Post
    I'm very curious to hear your motives / opinions.
    Speaking for myself, I sometimes am attracted to a brand, as Birnando said in the EDC knife thread, "to see what the fuss is about." That is why I got a Wonderedge, a Reaper, and a few Fillys. All have since been sold BTW, because once I saw what the fuss was about I decided they weren't especially suited to what I look for in a daily shaver.

    Some are by reputation, old Pumas, Fritz Bracht, and some others. I was attracted to the FBUs in the 1980s when I was collecting. The same with stub tails. Something about the massive meat choppers attracted me and the primitive look of the stub tails. I had a friend back then who collected decorated scales exclusively. I wouldn't even give those a second look then or now. Different strokes for different folks.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My first razor was a Wade & Butcher heirloom handed down to me. It was in great condition & researching the history of that brand, left an impression on me. I seek out Wade & Butchers.

  5. #5
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    I have a couple of those "hot" razors, but I acquired mine through antiques stores and before the prices went through the roof or was lucky enough to snag one or two off the bay at a low price when no one was looking. But to be honest, my preferred go-to razors are my J.R. Torreys and those always seem to have a decent price point.

  6. #6
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    As mentioned by Jimmy, most "fad" razors aren't even the better shavers. Sure, they shave just fine...but there is better. Fortunately I have honed enough to know what I like & have a nice little variety of what I do like. Sure, I still think some are cool...but I'm one of those who has only paid over $200 for a razor twice: Both SRP razors. What drives those fads? I'm not sure, but let James Bond or Dwayne Johnson use a "x" brand razor and see the price triple in just weeks. I do believe that a person is intrigued with razors from another country & for the longest bought razors from other countries until I realized that razors made right here are pretty dang good.
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  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are many reasons. You need to look at each brand and see what drives it.

    In the case of Duble Duck they were originally marketed at barbers who used them pretty exclusively at first and folks would ask their barbers for recommendations and of course they liked what they were using and so recommended DD and the word spread. Also DD had salesmen who went around to barbers pushing their wares and honing razors and selling all other barbering gear too.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Is all a matter of supply.Go to ebay,search palmera,compleated auctions,Search helji 32s,search helji 134s.
    Are not alot of fine specimens to be had anymore.

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    It's mostly due to word of mouth. If you hear enough times that Brand X is the best razor in the world your curiosity will be piqued enough to want one yourself. You and a few thousand others. Voila, within the span of a few months prices are through the roof. Those of us who have been on the scene for awhile have seen these cycles over and over.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    It's all Lynn's fault for the Wonderedge going through the roof....LOL
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