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  1. #11
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    ummm....I like sharp things...and they don't get much sharper than this...

    I suppose you can throw in a dash of "saves money" but to be totally honest I never thought about the cost of Mach3 carts until the Fusion came out (I was already straight shaving by then) and I realized they were asking $15 for a 4-pack of blades that you're just going to be throwing away anyhow. That's $3.75 each down the tubes...I was never happier to be a straight shaver then when I made that realization.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Namdnas's Avatar
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    The spark was the article you mentioned Matt.

    After that, the Zen, challenge and pampering grabbed me. I also love the look of razors. Last, I love shaving with something that gives me a great shave and probably gave someone a great shave 75 years ago.

    Cheers - John

  3. #13
    Still Keeping the Cheese
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    Default Hmmm, my story is a little different but the same...

    About two months ago, I was using my (gasp) electric razor that I had for literally a decade, and when I took the foil top off to bang it against the side (to knock off someof the stubble inside) pieces of plastic began to fly off - and I thought I needed to start searching for a new razor, and I was dreading it - everytime I get a new razor, the damn thing tears the hell out of my neck, and as I wear a tie every day, the collars finish the job - really very bad burn; blood and bumps and the whole thing.

    But, I had to do it, so I started shopping around and the latest new fangled razors were like $200.00! I said, no-the hell-way was I going to buy one of those, and my Bic days are long over - so I started researching, and hard - grew up with straight razors (long story, family for generations were accomplished wood carvers, and we would buy up old straights by the dozens -when they were cheap- and grind them into knives and delicate chisels-best steel in the world - just a travesty now that I think of how many Wostenholms and Ducks were crucified) - so, I researched over Christmas (while not shaving a lick) - bought a kit from Tony, and haven't looked back since, until two days ago, but that is another story...7 razors, 6 or so soaps, 5 creams, five aftershaves (nto including balms), four brushes, three bowls, three strops, a water heater, two styptics, an alum block and a Moss scuttle later...I would say I am off to a running start. Spend well over the original budgeted $200.00 but I am getting better shaves and no irritation, and enjoying the learning curve.



  4. #14
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    Like Gawker, I was into sharp metal -- knives (got a huge collection since I can't buy firearms over here).

    The catalyst was my electric shaver's batteries wearing out -- they were soldered into the unit. So, I either had to buy a whole new one, get the old unti maintenanced, or go back to a Mach 3. A straight razor at least tied back to my collecting/hobby of knives.

    So, a year and a half in, and still going strong.

  5. #15
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Because I can .... no, originally because I hated the money and waste of the Gillette disposables - but as someone said, that's out the window what with RAD and all...

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    =originally because I hated the money and waste of the Gillette disposables -

    Amen Brother Jimbo! In a very dull moment me and my friend Excel worked out how much Gillette and Co were going to cost me for the rest of my life! I then naively decided a straight would be much cheaper and kind to the I was kind of right on one count!

  7. #17
    Senior Member Kentriv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradford Si View Post
    In a very dull moment me and my friend Excel worked out how much Gillette and Co were going to cost me for the rest of my life!
    What as the final total?

  8. #18
    Senior Member 19george's Avatar
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    I started shaving with a straight because it is such a manly way to shave. I also liked that men have been shaving with straights for centuries, and I could pass down my straights to my children and grandchildren (though I don't have any at the moment - and hopefully won't for a while ). I keep shaving with straits because they give me the best shaves I have ever experienced.

  9. #19
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    Shaving for me is a ritual, always has been. From the moment i watched my dad shave, i would put soap on my face and shave with a custom made, LEGO razor. I was of course only scraping the soap off, but it felt so good. I couldn't wait to shave for real. I even locked myself in the bathroom at about 8 and shaved 'properly' with a bic i found in the airing cupboard. I did it because i thought the stubble would appear faster!!

    The straight is the pinacle of shaving to me, and i am loving every minute i have a straight in hand.

    This place had a great influence on me too, and has gotten me where i am now, quickly, and with little razor burn!!!



  10. #20
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    My pivotal moment was when the Fusion was released. I rushed out on day 1 and bought one, hoping that my problems of not being able to get a close shave with Mach3 were solved. It was about the same as Mach3, except more expensive - I was gutted.

    I started searching online to see what I could do to improve my shave, technique wise, and stumbled across B&B. I was amazed to find people still used DE razors, and dived straight in with a DE and a badger brush with proper soap. The DE gave me a way better shave at considerably less cost than a Fusion, so for a while I was happy.

    After a while at B&B I become more curious about straights, surely people didn't use those any more did they?! The more I researched, the more interested I became.

    I love the fact that I'm not throwing blades/cartridges away each week. I love the closeness and comfort of the shave (after the learning process. I love the ritual each morning, and the fact that I learned/mastered a skill that has almost died out. I'm pretty geeky and like to fix my own cars, build my own computers, cure my own sides of bacon etc - so caring for straights with all the honing, stropping etc was just the sort of thing I'd be interested in.

    I just love the whole thing, even the folks who are into straight razor shaving all seem to be pretty decent likeminded chaps.

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