So I've got a dilemma...

My wife and I are buying our own Xmas gifts this year and it's got me stumped. We've limited ourselves to $100 each, and I've got no clue what I should get, though I know i would like something shave related.

I've thought about SRD's felt strop with some diamond spray...then their modular set up...but then I think about a finishing stone...or maybe a 3" strop...and then I think maybe another razor...then I think about being confused on not know what the heck I want.

As far as what I've already got: 5 razors (1 new, the others vintage), a 2" strop, crox on balsa, and an old 3 line swaty. For soaps, I have a couple of the SRD ones, Cella, and Mitchells a Wool fat. Then of course there's a couple brushes and mugs somewhere in the mix.

This is driving me's a lot harder to buy things for myself than for her!!! I'm sure she's laughing on the inside at my frustration.