I've been using my razor for about 2 months now --just stropping before and after each shave. The shaves have been very good but the razor seemed to need a touchup on a paddle strop , maybe with some chromium oxide. Well I own neither, so having heard that newsprint has a slight abrasive action, I taped some newsprint to a pane of glass and started to work on the razor. I used the typical stropping motion and put about 1000+ strokes on the razor. I could tell that the edge of razor was more polished and uniform. So I stropped it up on a hanging strop and tested out the shave ---the shave was definately better. It usually would take me two passes on the cheeks to get a smooth result but this time only one was needed. Overall. it was probably the best shave I've had yet. So, if all you have is some glass and newsprint, then try it out and see how it works for you.
