Just use them. You spent the money on them, whether to have them restored or they were restored to begin with, and IMO they serve no purpose looking shiny in a box or on a fireplace mantle. JMHO, of course.
I only have one razor that's not in regular rotation (or reserve). It's a 15/16 Wostenholm, as close to a full wedge as you'll get, easily over 130 years old and in shave ready condition. The problem is the scales - they're original, complete with lead spacer, but cracked at the pivot pin. They feel like they're going to fall apart every shave. I could get it restored but that would ruin the originality; conversely I could shelve it indefinitely, but I don't do that because that would rob me of the joy of shaving with it. Tough choice, but what do you do?