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Thread: Wetshaving in Finland 2013

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Wetshaving in Finland 2013

    I want to share with you what happened about wetshaving in Finland this year. Finland's population is almost 5,5 million people so for small nation this year has been quite amazing and there has happened lot of big things about wetshaving.

    There is two blogs about wet shaving. Biggest difference is that one is DE blog and other is SR blog. Same for both blogs are that they are dedicated to educate people about wetshaving and there have been many new shavers because of them. I write by myself SR blog. I started writing mostly to my own pleasure but thought same time that maybe someone else would be interest about straight shaving. There was almost zero knowledge written in finnish when I started to blog about straight razor shaving and if you don't understand english you were really alone with sr or de shaving.

    My hobby started to expand by itself. After blogging for few months I got contacted by big english vendor and started to co-operate with them and it opened new world by product reviews for my readers. At Finland there is not a single shaving store where you can go to shop for products.

    At the end of year happened the biggest thing for wetshaving. Finland got it's first online store specialized to wetshaving. Both DE and SR blog started to co-operate with this vendor too and it has really increased popularity of wet shaving in Finland. Lots of people seemed to wait for finnish shop and didn't have the courage to order abroad shaving products.

    Straight razor shaving has ment that you can do everything by yourself to maintenance straight. So when finnish vendor started there was lack of sharpening services. Few who had ordered sr abroad were ready to learn to hone their own sr but everybody who wants to shave with sr don't want to learn how to hone own razor. New vendor didn't have sharpening service so I started to hone sr for others. Main reason was that it really stops some people to start sr shaving and I want that most people would return back to sr or atleast de shaving.

    There came one active hobbyist who started facebook-group for sr shavers and all who take interest about wetshaving. It started to get united specially sr shavers. Now next big challenge will be how to unite all wetshavers in Finland by some other mean than facebook group or by blogs.

    My favorite achievement althought was I got my brother and best friend into wet shaving. Both chose de but my brother is already learning how to shave with sr. I expect that for year 2014 wetshaving will get more wind under wings and it's popularity will increase rapidly in Finland.
    JeffR, Smoothy, BobH and 2 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Yves81's Avatar
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    I'm very happy to read this.
    A lot of people will be very grateful you widened their horizon.
    Last edited by Yves81; 12-30-2013 at 06:32 AM.
    Sometimes I feel normal.
    Then it's time to lay down and wait for it to pass.

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