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Thread: Idea for a straight razor invention

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    My solution is just don't get your hands wet in the first place. At least as little as possible. Second choice towel.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    A razor slipping out of the hand isn't as big of a problem as you might think..
    As long as you're wearing a towel....

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Well guys, I am old and I shave with a straight most days. I use alum on my fingers to assure a grip on the razor and my skin. My razors are shiny. I wash them after use and leave them to dry before casing them.
    Potassium aluminum sulfate and any other chemical may be left wet and cause discoloration of steel. Byre the way, It is often sold as Thai Deodorant.
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  4. #24
    Senior Member kevinred's Avatar
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    To me part of the art of shaving with a straight is learning how to handle your razor and keep your fingers dry.

    However, In my youth I invented (or modified) a tool for daily use in the field in which I worked (High level cleaning) . The tool is still commercially available worldwide however no credit to me as I modified an existing tool (A very powerful vacuum cleaner and some tubing and specialised attachments). It never really made me any money except being for being able to do difficult access jobs quicker and safer from ground level, but I was proud I had overcome a problem and made my life easier.

    The thing I learned is that once you find a need, an invention (or modification) will follow even if its just thought about. All great inventions started as a thought. Keep shaving with a straight and you'll sure come up with some more ideas, and if nothing else you might just enhance your enjoyment with your invention or even possibly change the straight shaving world, many have gone before you like King Gillette for example…

    Keep inventing and thinking outside the box mate….
    Last edited by kevinred; 01-07-2014 at 09:25 PM.
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  5. #25
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    Thanks for the opinions. I think that the "purism" overwhelmingly suggested here is really the best suggestion. I'm pretty sure eventually even I will eschew my own suggestions after learning more about the art.

    My final conclusion, though, is that 3 rings could be worn. 1 on the index finger, 1 on the ring, and 1on the pinky or "small finger". Only for use with a special all metal straight razor handle construction.

    Name:  Magnet Ring.jpg
Views: 156
Size:  16.1 KB
    Last edited by Mach7; 01-07-2014 at 09:52 PM.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Time for my Nap
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  7. #27
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Theyd have built in rings. Like scissors after 1000's of years of design if it were practical, even Ezekiel 5:1 in the Bible speaks of the barbers razor. Jmho.
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  9. #28
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    The ring and pinky fingers aren't on the blade while it's being used.
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  10. #29
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mach7 View Post
    Thanks for the opinions. I think that the "purism" overwhelmingly suggested here is really the best suggestion. I'm pretty sure eventually even I will eschew my own suggestions after learning more about the art.

    My final conclusion, though, is that 3 rings could be worn. 1 on the index finger, 1 on the ring, and 1on the pinky or "small finger". Only for use with a special all metal straight razor handle construction.
    I think a large assumption being made is that the razor consistently rests in the exact same position in the hand during a shave. It does not. Therefore any device that encourages or forces the blade to do so would be interfering with the dexterity required to obtain a good shave. Sure, your razor might not fall from your hand, but at the same time you may slice the hell out of your face. In addition any magnet strong enough to accomplish what you want to accomplish (i.e. prevent it from falling when released) would necessarily exert considerable force on the blade, encouraging it to rest in, or move towards, positions that the user may not want at any given time during a shave.

    EDIT: I should add that IMHO what has been posted previously should not be dismissed as 'purism' but rather considered as experience and practicality.
    Last edited by Cangooner; 01-08-2014 at 12:04 AM.
    mattluthier and edhewitt like this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
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  11. #30
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    I took time to look at the proper grip. And perhaps the rings could be thinner, and be worn higher up and only on the ring and pinky digits. It appears that, if so, that strong but not overpowering magnetism would not affect grip or control at all, on a pair of specially made for magnetic grip straight razors. At least according to this photo.

    Name:  Grip Straight razor.jpg
Views: 211
Size:  6.3 KB
    Last edited by Mach7; 01-08-2014 at 12:13 AM.

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