Since I started with a straight several months back, my routine has been largely unshakable: each morning I soak the brush in a sink full of hot water while stropping the blade. Then, whip up some lather and set the mug in the above hot water. A hot wash cloth on my face follows for a minute or so, followed by applying the warm lather. My first pass going both WTG and XTG, depending on where it is on my face; rinse, repeat, except going XTG and ATG.

I skipped yesterday morning due to too many chores to perform and ended up preparing to shave after a post-Super Bowl shower. Strop, then shower, then shave.

The bad stuff started when the pin on my blade was sticky and would not open. It then opened with a jolt, chopping the back of my thumb. Absolutely no pain, but man did it bleed. I have an inch-long gash there which should heal with an interesting scar.

I also found my "Pipe Tobacco" shaving soap from Mama Bear was significantly irritating after my shower. Probably due to my natural oils being scrubbed and rinsed away in the hot shower.

Plus, the entire experience just didn't feel right. So I have come to the following conclusions:

  1. My wife thinks I am insane, but missing a morning can screw things up. Particularly with my chin whiskers which are as soft as telephone poles.
  2. Shaving in the morning allows the oils on my skin to replenish after last night's shower.
  3. Keep the pin on my razor lubricated
  4. Shaving in the morning is a more refreshing day-prep experience. Nighttime shaves after the stress and hassles of my day make for a bad shave. For nighttime stress, scotch on the rocks is a better panacea.