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Thread: Any retired or current law enforcement memebers out there?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Any retired or current law enforcement memebers out there?

    Hello everyone just thought it would be great to start a thread for those of us in law enforcement or pursuing a career in it. I would like it if you would introduce yourself and tell a little bit about yourself. It would be great if you could offer any advice to newly started straight shavers or offer advice in pursuing a career in this profession. My name is Drew and I'm a new to the addiction of straight razor shaving. I'm also pursuing a career in law enforcement and have obtained my bachelor's in criminal justice and completed the law enforcement academy. Now I'm on the highly competitive road to getting hired as an officer. Please feel free to drop a line or 2.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member BDRebel's Avatar
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    Good luck with your intended career and remember -- your main mission while on the job is to go home at the end of the shift -- STAY SAFE!
    I was in the Military Police from 83-89 and US Federal Law Enforcement from 92 - present. It has been a great ride, but am contemplating retirement. The job is made for you younger folks.

    As far as SR advice, I will leave that to those more experienced than I -- I too am a n00b at it and am still learning after 8 months (and still improving, thanks to the fine folks here!)
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  3. #3
    Member morph1886's Avatar
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    I'll echo BDRebel and say stay safe! while I'm not a police officer I am a prison officer or guard as the Americans seem to call it and I love my job, I suppose it is kind of related. I'm slowly converting my work mates to the joy of straight razor shaving 6 and counting.
    Enjoy your shaves and again STAY SAFE.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm retired now however I was a Special Agent for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    My advice is, if you want to be a street cop you're crazy. Go for the federal Govt. Get a college degree and then apply.
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
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    Thanks for posting guys. I really appreciate the advice given towards my career. Iv never thought about going for a federal level position. I have to admit it does spark my interest.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Nick31's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm currrently a law enforcement officer in Erie, PA, before that I worked for the DOJ, Bureau of Prisons, I was stationed at the U.S. Penetentairy Allenwood, PA. Good luck in your career. It's very important to realize that working on the street is WORLDS apart from what college and/or the academy teaches. Just use common-sense, listen to your FTO, and always, always, always...have your partners back. Stay safe--Nick

  7. #7
    "My words are of iron..."
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    I did a tour with Club Fed (BOP-DOJ) at the Medical Center when it was in Rochester MN, and TDY to other joints as assigned. Ah, brings back memories of the insufferable heat at Glynco GA...LOL
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Nick31's Avatar
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    Oh my yes!! What an experience that was. When I went through, there wasn't enough room in the on-base barracks, so they put us in a cheap hotel that was pretty far away. We had to catch the shuttle bus to the base at 0500 to make it to the chow hall in time for breakfast. The best part was the humidity and sand fleas!

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick31 View Post
    Oh my yes!! What an experience that was. When I went through, there wasn't enough room in the on-base barracks, so they put us in a cheap hotel that was pretty far away. We had to catch the shuttle bus to the base at 0500 to make it to the chow hall in time for breakfast. The best part was the humidity and sand fleas!
    Sounds like a vacation. When I went to the academy it was in Los Fresnos, Texas. Glynco is the Ritz by comparison.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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