So I have been using a straight for roughly a year. From SRP's classifieds, I first purchased a dovo best quality. I was amazed how great shaving with a straight felt. Unfortunately my inexperience caught up, and I think I did more damage stropping then good. I then saw a deal for a Bismarck in the classifieds. Picked it up for 80$ I think. It was sharp! I carefully stroped my new razor before every use, and managed to hold a good edge for all this time. ( I'm not a everyday shaver, more like once a week if that.) Last week I had I went out of town, for my Dads funeral. I stayed in a hotel with my wife and twin boys. I brought my Bismarck, for a good shave before the funeral. Being so scattered brained and stressed with kids, hurrying not to be late to funeral, my razor never was packed. I LEFT MY BISMARCK!!!! I didn't realize till a day later, called and hotel says it was never turned in... Now I'm broke, with a dull dovo best quality. That is all. My depressing story.