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03-20-2014, 02:30 PM #1
Allergies and shaving... not the best combination
So it's spring here in the Pacific Northwest. For those of us on western portion next to the ocean this means rain, rain, rain, a little bit of sun, and some more rain. This in turn means EVERYTHING is growing like weeds. It really is very pretty. Many different shades of green every where, trees starting to form buds, even saw some cherry trees blossoming (though I think they were a tad confused as to what time of year it is...).
So while it pretty... and pretty wet, the bad part is that my allergies have kicked in full force and it's not even prime pollen season yet. I haven't shaved the last two days because I'm afraid I'll end up with an epic entry in the "Cut of the Day" thread. Funny thing is that I grew up in hay country down in Oregon and never had an issue. Wasn't until about 5 years ago I started having some issues. It just full on sucks now.
Anyway, just needed to vent a bit. I'm going to go get a tissue to wipe up the snot and spittle on the screen from the two seperate sneezes I suffered through while writing thisThe older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.
03-20-2014, 03:01 PM #2
You don't need rain to get bad allergies. I live in the desert and right now everyone is suffering bad. We're also in a drought but junk blows off the mountains and sweeps up from the desert and our allergy season isn't really here yet either.
No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
03-20-2014, 03:20 PM #3
I hear ya, Matt. Suffering severe allergies myself right now to the point I can barely breathe. Yay, spring?