Hi guys. Im a newbe. I'm joining all of you from Turkey and my callsign is USTURA, which means straight razor in Turkish. Both of my grandfathers and my great grandfather used to shave with straight razors when I was a small kid. Well now Im 40 years old and two years ago or so I all of a sudden developed a taste for SR shaving and could not find a good source for SR stuff. So I turned to the internet and have found few sites. Then I found Classicshaving.com, and found out about Mr. Lynn and then of course about SRP. So I joined and dont quite know what to do where so I'm writing here. I've just placed an order with Classicshaving worth five hundred and nine dollars and here is what I ordered:
- Mr. Lynn's DVD
- Bergischer Lowe DOVO str. razor
- DOVO best russian strop
- Yellow paste
- White paste
- Pumice stone
- Dovo white Super silvertip badgerhair brush
- Handmade nickelplated bowl
- Taylors sandalwood soap
- DOVO alum block
- DOVO leather razor case
- Dovo sterol lubricant.

So here are my questions. What else do I need. Im ordering all natural japanese water stones including arato, aoto, awase and nagura stones. I like to get everything natural. I also plan to order some TI strops and trio of traditional pastes red, black and green later. I own a large number of hard to find hi end knives and do my own honing but I understand razors are a little bit different.

Iv seen how to shave enough times from my elders just that Ive not done it myself. Any input will be well appreciated.

Im planning to buy 4-5 more razors like 5/8" dovo bone hadle bismarc, TI wheat berry 5/8", timor hamburg ring, dovo prima klang, maybe 7/8" filarmonica. Again input is appriciated.

Well I guess I blabbed on enough already and look forward to hearing from you guys.