Yes, another new guy curious about moving on to a straight razor. Actually I've wanted to use a straight for a number of years, but just recently started to educate myself.
I have my Grandfather's straight razor. I don't think it is anything super special, but it would mean a lot to me to be able to use it.
The box, which I don't think is the original, is imprinted "Geo. H. Weyer, K. C. Mo." Made in Germany, and "Top-Notch" in caps.
The razor itself seems to be a 5/8 blade. Stamped "Pequot" on one side of the tang and Cochran Bros. Ottumwa, Iowa, Made in Germany on the other. It's a 3 pin razor and one of the scales is cracked. The blade itself is in overall good condition with no rust or pitting and very slight discoloration.
Where could I send the razor for reconditioning, scale replacement, and shave prep? Any suggestions would be appreciated.