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Thread: Hopefully not a mistake

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regalzack View Post
    Now, setting bevels & straightening edge's may be a slight stretch, but hopefully within my grasp. I know a 1k is ideal for bevel setting, but is it reasonable to do such on a 4k?
    It can be done.

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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I would say that with a 4K it is a long steep hill but not unsurmountable. I would wait for a 1K or send it out. Of course the very best solution for you would be go to Pinklathers house on a weekend and use his hones and get an invaluable piece of instruction. I have to say sometime I wish I lived a little closer to the rest of the planet just for that purpose.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    'Been getting acceptable edges for some time? That makes all the difference. Seriously - that's big.

    Student budgets aren't friendly towards tooling up. It fights against your love of transforming a nice vintage blade into a useful or even handsome shaver. And yet the resto game will turn you into a hobbled cripple trying to do without. Correcting bevels & spines has to move a bit of metal & trying to do w/ a 4k is cruel & unusual punishment. Throw on top of that - that some 'finds' will never be shavers & your challenges are many. Having crippled my hands a few times too many, I wouldn't do it w/out a coarse diamond plate and a 1k. The standard Norton 220/1k could serve well, but having the diamond plate would also.

    Its always a grab-bag as to what you'll find w/ a resto blade. Should your studies & work schedule permit (and mine), maybe we could get one or more to a sound bevel from which you could take it shave readiness. Its only the resto grinding that's outside your tooling. If things went more quickly, try any and all of my stones to get a feel for what works easily for you. 'Hope our paths cross at some point. All Best of luck w/ your school & your love of the blades.
    Regalzack likes this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to pinklather For This Useful Post:

    Regalzack (04-17-2014)

  5. #14
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    Thank you so much!

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