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Thread: vacation shave den overkill?

  1. #11
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I take my Edwin jagger or my Gillette fat tech when I go on vacation. Just easier to travel with than a straight. I take my cheap boar brush and a squeeze tube of cream. There's no need to have a maid think her husband needs a free custom brush, or straight razor.
    Last edited by HARRYWALLY; 05-24-2014 at 05:42 PM. Reason: my awesome spelling
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    2 Straights
    1 small tube of cream
    1 brush
    1 AS
    1 Cologne
    1 small strop

    I will shame you if you try to bring more than that in my plane!
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  3. #13
    Senior Member tedh75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    There's no need to have a maid think her husband needs a free custom brush, or straight razor.
    I do worry about that. Put most of my stuff away before we left for the day. Not that they couldn't go through the drawers.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My travel kit:

    DE + blades
    Synthetic travel brush
    Shave stick
    Bottle of AS
    Styptic pencil

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  6. #15
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I am terribly disorganized most of the time when it comes to packing, leading more often than not to me throwing something together at the last minute. But generally speaking, this is what comes along for the ride:

    - 2-3 straights, depending on the duration of the trip, and whether I'm in the mood to try a particular razor. If the trip has more days than the # of straights, I'll also roll up one of my homemade strops to keep them going.
    - 1 DE. I have a tiny little Gilette travel razor that packs down to nothing, and it and a few blades reside permanently in the dopp kit. I hardly know they are there, but figure they are worth having just in case.
    - little vulfix travel brush. I'm not a great fan of it, but it's small and has its own case. Can't say that for any of my other brushes (yet: once I move and have a decent shop, I'll be making a Cangooner Enterprises travel brush of some sort)
    - soap/cream again depends on my mood. Sometimes a tube of Trumpers cream. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it packs up small. Sometimes I'll grab a tub of Edwin Jagger as it's a small-ish sized container. I really should get some Jagger in a tube for travel one of these days as I do like their stuff.
    - an old styptic pencil. Haven't needed it for ages, but figure the first time I leave it at home will inevitably be a bloodbath
    - either alum of a little bottle of witch hazel.
    - some AS. I recently made some bay rum AS that I loaded with witch hazel, so in future I may just take it rather than AS + astringent.

    Most of my trips recently have been pretty short ones, but in July I'll be heading off for a few weeks. I need to give my own list some thought before then. Perhaps I'll just thrown in a barber hone and leave the rest as-is.
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  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    My travel kit:

    DE + blades
    Synthetic travel brush
    Shave stick
    Bottle of AS
    Styptic pencil

    Bob, I really like the way you customized that black case to fit your DE razor & stick. I hope you don't mind if I copy your idea this weekend. My stuff is just lying loose in the bag.

  8. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Bob, I really like the way you customized that black case to fit your DE razor & stick. I hope you don't mind if I copy your idea this weekend. My stuff is just lying loose in the bag.
    No don't mind at all. I think it was an old plastic case for glasses.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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  10. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    What's the blue stuff that is keeping the stuff together? Tc, can't believe you leave home without the aqua Velva blue ice bob! Tc
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  11. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    What's the blue stuff that is keeping the stuff together? Tc, can't believe you leave home without the aqua Velva blue ice bob! Tc
    The blue stuff is foam from a pad for kneeling when gardening IIRC. Yea, feel kinda naked W/O the Aqua Velva but need something with more staying power. OTH maybe I'll shove a bottle of Aqua in next time.

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