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Thread: Should I buy these?

  1. #1
    Child Psychologist (No Really) ariwhiteboy's Avatar
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    Wink Should I buy these?

    While perusing the local Craigslist I came across these gems. I'd really like some of whatever this gentleman is smoking. I considered making an offer, but when I saw what he was asking for them I decided I'd only insult/upset him.

    Original Link - Two strait razors one injector razor with box and injector. also..

    Check out the attached screengrab.

    Name:  CL Razor.jpg
Views: 152
Size:  44.7 KB

    Text from the Ad;

    The first straight razor has a animal bone handle is very old the handle is crack and i only have half of the case but its a fairly old razor ive only been able to find little information thoe due to the age. Next is a black handled fairly old straight razor better condition than the first but not as old its about late 30s early 40s but my faverite of all very cool uhpieces then theres the injector razor its between the 1940 and 1942 from what i gather its still all together also so its worth almost triple with.just the razor but the razor, injector, and box are all in fair shape. Theres still some clean original blades also. Then theres the two medical/piercing tools one bieng a triangle head 10 inch and other a round head 12 inch. I need to get rid of it all in one shot to a GOOD home or atleast someone that will respect it but ether way I need the cash so its got to go im wanting about 200, best offer, or more may be up to trade but really just need the cash. Any,questions email me and we can talk thank u. Ps. Again im stressing the fact I need cash so first come first serve.

    Apologies in advance if the guy is a SRP member, but I would be surprised if he was.

  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    You saw its $200 obo, right? I wouldn't pay one tenth that.
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Instead of insulting folks by selling garbage he should have just said he is desperate and wants donations.
    RezDog, Siguy and ariwhiteboy like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Yes, last two pics clearly indicate this poster has been "smoking", IMO
    RezDog likes this.

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