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  1. #11
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    Yep, we can thank Hollywood. In reality, the biggest perception difference between a "safety razor" and a straight razor is that you get to see the WHOLE blade of a straight razor. SCARY! But you still have to put a super-keen blade to your face if you want to shave and those damned bladed with plastic all covering them are much easier to cut oneself with, I think. Sure, they're very shallow cuts, but then again, that's what you get when you nick yourself with a straight razor (normally), too.

    You can't control the angle of a plastic piece of disposable crap, but you can with a straight razor, which makes it better and makes it worse at the same time, depending on how much skill you have. You can get a better shave, but you have to learn a little bit about shaving instead of getting one angle and that's that.

  2. #12
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonsDanceAlone View Post
    When was the last time you saw a straight razor being used in a film that didn't result in massive blood loss?
    Couple weeks ago - a movie called _Pan's Labyrinth_. Amusingly enough the man in question does eventually acquire a "Chelsea Smile", but it's from a kitchen knife.

  3. #13
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    It has a little bit to do with how it is even advertised by well intentioned people. I think I've seen articles that say something like "nothing more manly than to shave with a device that can take your head clean off" --- and some of us don't mind propagating that stuff --- well so on one hand we want to inflate our masculinity by implying that it's dangerous but we get a little bit perturbed when others question our sanity and worry about us -- if we are being brave and ubermasculine than maybe others have the right to worry and wonder --- or maybe we're not being that manly after all --- which is it? I'm for the brave and manly --let them worry .


    Here's the link "Nothing more many than shaving with a device that can take your head clean off"

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