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  1. #1
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Default The cost of shaving!

    It's been over 7 years now since I started using a str8. Before that, I used the old Gillette safety razors (SE). Even back then, it was getting harder and harder to find blades for it.

    I went to the grocery store the other day, and the wife asked me to get new blades for her ladies razor. "No problem" I said. Boy, was I wrong! There are now SO MANY types and styles of disposables for both men and womewn that I was completely lost.

    And the PRICE$$$! Anywhere from $6 to $12 for a package of blades or cartridges or whatever they're called. It's ourtageous! How can people afford to shave?

    Ya' know, when I quit smoking, cigarettes were $1.25 a pack. I figured I'd save that much a day. Well, it turns out I'm saving closer to $5 a day 'cause that's what they cost now. When I quit buying disposable blades, I figured it'd take years and years to recoupe the initial cost of my str8 and strop. Well, it looks like I've saved that cost several times already.

    It's been a while since I've posted here. I see a lot of new members (which makes me glad) and I can't help but wonder if there are a lot more str8 users simply because of the cost? Or is it because people don't want to spend so much time trying to figure out what the hell kind of blades they need for their fnacy neon colored plastic and rubber "shaving system" (heck, I can hardly figure out how to use most of the features on my new phone)?

  2. #2
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Cost wasn't a factor in my case. I had a 1 year old electric bought because the other one had a dying battery after 8-9 years of daily use. There were 2 motivating factors for me..
    1) Independence. I didn't want to depend on being able to buy blades at a local Wal Mart. I wanted to be able to whip out a blade and shave anywhere. This could also be a motivating factor for most cartridge/DE users .
    2) Curiosity. I've always wanted to know what it was like.
    Honestly, I've spent as much as I would have on using disposables, but I have a rotation of 12 razors, with a few just waiting to be honed up and a semi-commercial setup. If you can limit yourself to one blade ($30 for a great condition vintage), one hone (actually 2 .jp slip stones for about $30), one strop ($35) and one touchup tool ($20), they'd pay off in 3-6 months of shaving.

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    The cost, and the fact that the mach 3 blades have, very strangely, deteriorated in quality since the latest multi blade version came out (anyone else see a connection there) are the main reasons why I have taken up str8 shaving.


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Cost was not a consideration for me, and I'm definitely not saving (yet?) from moving into straights. I believe I'm not the only one like this here

    I was willing and, luckily - able, to pay more than the bare minimum for straights (which is, indeed quite low if you are looking purely for good performance / functionality). I do think that over the years what I spend on razors and related stuff will be less that what I would have spent on alternatives - with better results and much more enjoyment. Moreover, it seems that good straights, hones, and brushes keep their value pretty well, and, in some cases, may even be considered a *decent investment*


  5. #5
    The triple smoker
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    It's all about the shave for me. While I do possess too many str8s, I also occasionally shave with a safety razor (Gem, Schick, or Gillette) just for variety's sake. I shudder to think how much money I have invested in all my brushes, soaps, creams and razors. Money well spent IMHO.


  6. #6
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I didn't start out for the cost...although that was a factor. I was actually looking to see if I could find cheaper M3 blades on e-bay and stumbled across some pakistani's. I though:"That's a good idea!" and started researching. Ended up getting a decent blade and I'll never EVER go back.

  7. #7
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Sure the cost of disposable blades is a factor but until I stop going on ebay thats not a factor. For me it was my first str8 shave in a barber shop that hooked me. Smooooooth and I didn't have to shave for 2 days (I used to hate shaving back then). Now I almost wish I could shave twice a day...

  8. #8
    DMS is offline
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    The cost and absurdity of cramming six blades into a cartridge were factors in motivating me to try something different.

    As Ivo mentioned already, RAD kicks in quickly for more than a few of us and thoughts of saving money are soon forgotten. The real payback is superior shaves and turning a chore into a ritual that we can enjoy. Vintage razors aren't likely to lose value over time though.

  9. #9
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    I had seen my father use his straight when I was younger and wondered what it was like to use one. I had been using a gillette fusion for awhile and see spending $20+ for eight cartridges. Now that I'm using a straight I definitely wont be going back to a crappy over priced fusion or any other type. No more razor burns or ingrown hairs and my face has never looked or felt better.

  10. #10
    Harry the Penmaker
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    I've saved tons in shaving over the last 3 years. This is because I'm a college student. You'd be surprised how many college guys go bearded because they can't afford the latest contraption. I paid ~40 for a strop, 5 for a brush, 2 for soap, and had the mug sitting around. I was lucky enough to get a shave ready razor on the promise that when I am in a position to afford to do so, I pass along the joy. Still in college. 47 for an investment, I've saved a couple hundred so far on cartridges and canned foam/gel, and I've only had to buy one more cake of soap since then, maybe two, I don't recall. With the news that I have saved that much, the following has happened: I bought more soap, a couple creams, a pre-shave cream, a badger brush, and a Norton 4k/8k. Now it seems that I'm still in the black, so a new razor may come my way soon. We'll just have to see.

    I bought my fiancee some carts for her Venus Vibrance dealio. My GOD. I too took joy in the fact that I use a straight, and want to convince her to at least go DE, lol.

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