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Thread: Gifts

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Default Gifts

    With the gift giving (receiving) season now kicking into it's full swing, I started thinking about what I wanted the wife (Santa) to get me. I can't narrow it down so I figured I'd ask what you guys and gals would want. Sort of like a little cheating, I would see what you wanted and maybe copy you to formulate my list. So let's hear what's on you list. Anything goes in any price range. I know I'm going to hear some great ideas that would make my list.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    A Buddel and a Livi
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Weleda aftershave balm and Cella shaving cream are on my wish list.

  4. #4
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I want one of Silverloafs western ground Kamis
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    R. Saito SK1, SK2 and SK3.

    A handfull of Nos Heljestrand MK32s and MK33s.

    Ali's blade, I really like the look of those French point Raptors.

    A Suehiro Gokumyo 20k(he-he, I've been wanting to get one for so long that I spelled it right on the first try.).

    A Chosera 1k(Old one or the updated version, doesn't matter) just to see how it compares to the Naniwa SS 1k.

    A Naniwa SS 5k(Old one or the updated version, doesn't matter) to bridge the gap between 3k and 8k in my current progression.

    A new laptop, the old one is staring to get old, sometimes it makes weird noises and the screen flickers.

    And just for the heck of it an F4U Corsair, I don't have a pilot's license and I don't think I could afford the upkeep but I've always really liked the look of that plane.
    Last edited by Baxxer; 11-30-2014 at 05:51 PM.

  6. #6
    MJC is offline
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    On the "less than a Benjamin" list I have taken to using Obie's soap/cream list as a baseline response for: "what can I get you for Christmas"

    Obie Soap List top Seven

    Martin de Candre soap (Got it)
    Castle Forbes cream
    Ultimate Comfort by Truefitt & Hill cream (Got it)
    Santa Maria Novella cream
    Esbjerg sensitive cream
    Taylor of Old Bond Street cream
    BAUM.BE cream

    And I already bought the Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar and turned it over, unopened, to SWMBO for delivery on Christmas.
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  7. #7
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    I asked for a Portland Razor Co straight (I ordered it so it wasn't screwed up, so I know I got it....haha). I went with American made just so I could have a good feeling about it.

    HTGAM "beach" sent soap and after shave.
    Truefitt and hill 1805
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  8. #8
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    In my blended marriage, when I was married that is to say, we had a blended holiday. Namely Xmaskah. If you've never seen a tinsel draped dreidel you've never lived. Christmas eve tradition was Matzo ball chicken soup. Christmas day was something porky.

    What would I like for the Holiday's? Other than the damned stupid fanatics to stop and realize what they are missing out on (suburbia here we come), a custom razor, maker to be chosen, a Neil Miller strop (and continued good health for him) and free of razor addiction debt.
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When you're thebigspendur and the richest guy in the world you just wish folks would stop calling you and asking for money. Why just the other day I told Bill Gates I wasn't going to give him another loan.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    In order of preference

    Still on my list is an Ebony/Black horn & Ivory with 24mm silver tip (or what ever the best TGN knot is) from Pix, but customs apparently wont let him send them or me receive the Ivory bit,

    a nice quality 2.5-3" Horween vegetable tanned horsehide Strop with natural linen, either a Miller, Scrupleworks, Hides to art or other good heirloom quality built item with tabbed barbers ends & my initials custom stamped in it gold leaf,

    a Suehiro Gokumyo 20k - love the reports I read for these, then no more pastes etc,

    a Chosera 1k, to try shave an hour of bevel setting them god damn smiling wedges with my Nani 1K SS,

    a set of 4" Buffing wheels with some greaseless to play with,

    A cam upgrade for my Clubby to take her from the current 390 bhp to up closer to 500 BHP on the rear wheels,

    a couple of meters of 1"x1/4" O1, W2 or other blade quality steel
    & 71*2 belt sander
    a forge of heat treating oven to make the steel right
    damn the list goes on
    Last edited by Substance; 11-30-2014 at 11:37 PM.
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    to shave another day.

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